What will be interesting, and telling, to watch will be who joins him. If some high profile government people join him in the Forward Party, then Yang doesn't need to be great at management or politics, he just needs to light the fire and find the kindling.
There's enough other higher profile politicians across federal, state, and local politics who don't fully align with either major party today. If even just one of them publicly joins Yang, I think that'll be enough to justify the last few years of his efforts and it will encourage others to join him, too.
Agreed. I also sense he's too good (read: too smart) for W. DC politics. My hope is, he gets a respectable amount of attention and draw, then leverages that - for progress - outside of politics. Kinda like a young Jimmy Carter, or perhaps pick up with MLK left off in terms of financial injustice.
I realize there are some things that require gov / poltics. That's not my angle here. It's just that in Yang's case, my sense is, he has more to offer and can deliver more if he's not limited by politics; especially the current mess that it is.
Then in say eight years Yang goes for the jugular of W.DC. ATM, he makes too much sense, he's too far ahead. FFS the Dems are serious about Biden and nothing says 20th Century more than ol' Joe. Nice guy, etc. But he's hardly anything close to 2020 progressive.
I did have interest in Andrew yang, but I think leaving the democratic party has drastically decreased his chances of making significant political moves unfortunately
I am a huge Yang supporter. I donated money to his political campaign, the first time I’ve ever done that in my life.
I was horrified that he ran for mayor. City politics is incredibly complex and it’s actually harder to navigate than other political positions. I felt he should have run for senator which would have been an easier job than mayor.
But overall I think him creating a new party is exactly what we need now.
I am sure all the people he will be leading are passionate, he may not have to deal with the run of the mill org issues. Being promoted gives him more influence/power to implement his vision.
This is way for Yang to stay in the public eye and Dorsey to burnish his image with the progressive crowd while simultaneously amplifying the worst of the far right in his day job.
If he's planning on endorsing candidates in other parties, that's probably an option.
OTOH, why take on all that baggage when it doesn't come with any votes? Probably makes more sense to recruit former LP and
Green figures to run under the new banner.
Has he spotted a political party that's to some extent going to be up for grabs over the next few years? Is the cash just so he looks like he's being loyal this election?
I think Yang is a little like Ross Perot. He tells the truth but no one wants to listen and those who think he's a threat ridicule him and bash him --that doesn't mean I agree with all his points, but on the whole, I think I agree with him more then others.
Who knows, if he runs as a third party candidate, I hope he does well. I'd probably give him my vote. The two incumbent parties trip over themselves to please entrenched interests and don't take the interest and plight of the people they represent seriously.
If people had taken Ross seriously we would not be in the economic mess we find ourselves with much of our manufacturing and know-how outsourced in return for some new financial products which only the wealthy benefit from. You go Andrew!
He's also known to show up with signs encouraging his direct rivals, who aren't quite sure how to respond to that. Might be because of the camaraderie he's looking for.
In my experience it can be very hard spur change from within Government, but he's coming in at a point high enough that he should be able to simply set the example.
Shame I don't know the guy, I'd love to work for him.
I think the interesting part would be to see if his cabinet is more pluralistic and diverse in composition than that of the other candidates --who by and large pick apparatchiks. Remains to be seen, but if he does, I hope it would pressure other candidates to be more politically inclusive.
Peter Theil had a long term vision for the world where others failed to see such future. I see similar line of reasoning for Peter Theil's support.
1. If you think that business people can govern better than Politicians or want to achieve an environment where it gets easier and acceptable for business leaders to seek political offices, this is a huge step in that direction. China already took this step of inviting people who succeed in business to participate in governance. If Trump can do it, so can every other business person who thinks they are better than Trump. If Trump wins this, I guarantee you next season its going to be more qualified people running for office and if Trump loses, we still would have made progress in that direction.
2. Peter Theil's support for Trump gave him (gay guy) a platform to speak at a republican convention. This is a huge progress for everyone when republicans are standing up for gay people. It makes it easy for other people to reach out and co-operate with each other.
3. Peter Theil getting into politics allows something like a Y-combinator(not the news site but a complete accelerator) for politics possible otherwise it would just be more lawyers running again and again. Just like YC grooms tech leaders, Theil's expertise into this venture could groom next generation governing leaders.
His intentions don't necessarily have to be short term. If he performs well in this election, that could be a solid launch for another kind of candidacy (senator, governor, secretary of something, party leadership, etc.)
There's enough other higher profile politicians across federal, state, and local politics who don't fully align with either major party today. If even just one of them publicly joins Yang, I think that'll be enough to justify the last few years of his efforts and it will encourage others to join him, too.