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Yes, the Germans also were for the most part okay with stripping Jews of their rights. When will you idiots realize that tyranny of the majority has nothing to do with democracy and rule of law.

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Paradox of tolerance, fellow human. If you allow Nazis, who are anti-tolerant, violently so ( and as you said, they'd remove all Jews), to do whatever they want out of tolerance, they won't respond in kind, they'll abuse that tolerance until they're in power and usher in their intolerance. You cannot be tolerant of the intolerant. Even Goebbels himself said it, they were going in the parliament as a wolf in sheep's clothing to destroy democracy from within with democracy's tools.

Furthermore, it's a bullshit false equivalency that a Nazi, who wants to at the very least discriminate people, is somehow equal to a random person who would get discriminated against. Or a racist and any random person. Those are not the same, and don't deserve the same protections.

You think it's OK for a majority to say that racial Jews should not have property rights and then make it so? Eich achieved hos goal of writing oppression into the state constitution. Ignoring or tolerating promotion of oppression doesn't make it go away. (That's exactly the fair and balanced horseshit I was talking about.) Tolerating morally neutral actions is entirely different from tolerating morally bad actions.

Pretending that Eich's treatment for promoting oppression (or even the downvotes I've received for stating my views or you may have received for stating yours -- I've seen a lot of handwringing in this thread about maintaining multiple HN accounts and self-censoring themselves on HN as if that was some great horror) are in any way equivalent to actually taking away rights is another form of fair and balanced horseshit.

are you under the impression that Germany didn’t have a “rule of law” when nazis were in power then?

A “rule of law” is a tool that can be used for evil. I’m not sure why we’re being blind to this?

I guess we're not substantially in disagreement then.

Note that the Anti-Nazi laws in Germany were not -iirc- put in place by Germans, but in fact by Americans. In 1945 these laws made sense to deal with the situation at the time: in a society that had been severely distorted by NSDAP propaganda. As German society has changed, they make less sense now, and people have slowly come around to changing/removing these laws. I'm sure you can see why they are doing so very carefully. I understand the original reason for the laws, and I support the very careful removal/change of the laws.

In case you're curious (I was!): it is entirely possible to get a library loan for Mein Kampf in Germany. A quick google shows you might get a heavily annotated version printed by the state of Bavaria, but it's definitely available.

I agree with you on b). Nor do I disagree with democratic decision making by the community in general. I might have some opinions on people trying to subvert democratic systems to backdoor censorship and/or propaganda. (See also above, with that odd situation in Germany with quite a story to it.)

I think institutions in most western countries are -these days- quite well armored against incidental subversion. That's actually pretty good because that makes it easier to catch before things really go wrong. However, the laws, traditions and processes themselves only slow things down. You still need to actively catch people doing it and work to prevent it, so end of day you still need to maintain (eternal) vigilance.

The Nazis openly mocked the democratic principles that they used (abused) to gain power to take freedom away from their enemies. It is a fact of life that sometimes the freedom of one party conflicts with the freedom of another. Every legal system acknowledges that. No freedom can ever be absolute for everyone.

The Germans banned the Nazis from political participation or even airing their views publicly. Did the Germans give up democracy?

But why do you think getting elected and then ending democracy is an exclusively Nazi pre-disposition, when it's mostly been communists doing that, and why do you think it was free speech that led to Hitler when free speech is the first thing people like him get rid of?

Democracy and freedom of speech are the primary bulwark against people like that, not the cause of it!

So it's okay to silence this segment of the Jewish population, and deny them citizenship rights in Germany (of all places) if they are "seen as weirdos among other Jews"?

That's what you're advocating, apparently.

When Nazi regime came to power it was already too late.

And protections against ant-Semitic expression were too weak as evidenced by Nazi regime coming to power by being elected in democratic process.

Another source: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-propa...

"When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy. "

But I concede that there are exactly opposite views.

After all it's history so anyone is free to make stuff up about it that fits his narrative.

No we are talking about real Nazis the stuff we are talking about is unconstitutional in Germany.

And when Germany ended up being invaded, they had less freedom of speech! Nazism is still illegal in Germany.

Wait, so being a Nazi would be okay if they had won the war?

Might makes right and censorship of political opponents was Nazi canon. I thought you were saying their ideology was defeated.

I still fear your position is leaving a loop hole open for nazis.

The free speech loophole has to be left open for everybody. The moment we let someone arbitrate speech, we no longer have free speech.

We don't need to let nazis to empower themselves to guard against groupthink.

A right for everyone has to be a right for everyone. If you study what happened in the rise of Fascism in the Weimar Republic, you'll find that it was the left leaning Weimar Republic that put into place the legal framework for Nazi totalitarianism. In almost every law that had to do with human rights, the Weimar Republic put in a "unless necessary for the public good" or "unless a law is passed to the contrary" clause. All the Nazis had to do was to use those clauses.

Free Speech protects society as a whole against groupthink. Any minority, no matter how small or unpopular, is protected. The moment you introduce Weimar Republic style exceptions to those rights, you lose a society that is protected against authoritarianism. Instead, you get a society that's just an incubator for totalitarianism.

My activism would be related to moving closer to a society where the starting floor hasn't fallen out for others based on class, race, and gender. Nazism, you know, kinda gets in the way of that.

Study the Weimar Republic. Explicit activism of the type you mention above (following an ethos of "By Any Means Necessary") was precisely the kind that set the stage for Nazis to come to power. Also, you should note that the "floor" in the US, even for "groups disadvantaged by class, race, and gender" is quite high in absolute terms. As Dinesh D'Souza's friend once observed, "I want to come to a country where the poor people are fat and own VCRs." There are people whose "floors have fallen out," but I don't think the existence of Neo-Nazis has had much affect on them. Can you give me an example where people demonstrating have made poor neighborhoods poorer? I can give you examples where riots have done that, but those were not sparked by Neo-Nazis.

Groupthink may be groupthink, but you know how we combat that – we fund public education.

The way to combat groupthink in the long term is to advance groups. One interesting thing that Thomas Sowell brings up in his book Race and Culture, is that Russians, Poles, and Italians started out having IQ score disparities as large as those of US black communities, but caught up over the time span of the 1st half of the 20th century. By 1950, the scores had basically equalized. He also notes a study of black children of GIs growing up in Germany, who showed comparable IQs to other children growing up there. Yes, there is clearly systemic racism in the US. It can be seen in the rising crime rates and decay of communities. (As a black man who was born in North Carolina and went to school in Harlem, Thomas Sowell has an interesting personal take on this.) I think it takes the form of incentives that encourage broken homes and abet poverty. (This can be seen in an increase in the IQs of black children in the early 20th century, which ended and reversed after the introduction of perverse incentives in the 1960's and 70's.) I think it takes the form of politics which protects public schools and keeps market buying power out of the hands of parents who want to help their children to advance. If one studies immigrant groups, one finds a pattern of groups that advance themselves in spite of overt oppression codified into law and sometimes enacted as violence. One also finds a pattern of groups, whose leaders keep their people in cultural isolation in order to maintain their power. Such patterns are found all over the world, and repeat themselves across cultures and in different times. I think it should now be obvious such patterns are at play in the US.

> Legal interpretation of the constitution has also very clearly found that a huge collection of actual literal Nazis marching around shouting "death to jews" at the top of their lungs is a-okay.

Not okay, but not illegal, and better than the alternative i.e. a society without freedom of speech (as the Reich was, or Weimar Germany).

German socialists also described Hitlers rise to power as a "coup" or implied that he "seized" the chancellorship unlawfully. It was too painful for them to admit that so many of their countrymen supported Fascism and that he won a democratic election. I'd imagine botencat is in a very similar situation.

Remember Trump's "Muslim ban"? The US courts declared the law unconstitutional and prevented its implementation. The judicial reform would make it de facto impossible for the Israeli supreme court to strike down whatever crazy stuff the right-wing extremist government comes up with. Death penalty for stone throwers? No problem.

Because the government can. Ask the Jews in Nazi Germany how "rights" worked for them. Prior to Hitler coming to power, Germany was the most advanced and liberalized society of its time.

I feel like you read the parent comment too quickly. In short, the argument is that if we tolerate the intolerant and they come into power, our freedoms will be gone as well. This is why Germany bans Nazi symbols and propaganda.

Germany bans things like Holocaust denial and certain things about far right political parties. It’s not the American way but I’m quite ok with Germany doing this.

You're being disingenuous. Nazi Germany's rise to power was a composite of many different factors. You make it seem as though free speech was the sole cause of its ascendance.

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