Yes! I have small hands and can barely use the Pixel 5, which was the smallest Android phone of the largest generation. And now it seems like Pixel 6 has also become a fablet.
Yep. As a small-ish person with small-ish hands, I suffer from having to use this pocket TV of a phone, but the Pixel 4a was the smallest Android phone money could buy in 2020.
Really? I found the Pixel 5 to be on the small side, but the Pixel 6 is pretty large and unwieldy (imo) by comparison.
Also, the Xperia 5 series is their "smaller size" flagship. It's larger than the Pixel 5, but a fait bit smaller than the Pixel 6. Still a bit large for my tastes.
As i said, depends on your hand size. For me, the Pixel 6 is uncomfortably small. If I'm not mistaken Sony's weirdly named series (1-1 and stuff like this) have small-sized models ( even if on the longer side).
I only bought my Pixel 5 because it was not huge. Most phones are too large for my hands, including the Fairphone and the Pixel 6. The Pixel 5 is almost too big too.
Yeah. I just got a new phone last week and after a bunch of research ended up settling on a Pixel 3a, which is even larger than the already-too-large 1st gen Pixel that it replaced. I hate it. There are no decent small (<5") phones on the market, and haven't been for half a decade. Sony's Xperia Compact line was the closest, but it 1) doesn't come with stock Android, 2) doesn't have a headphone jack, and 3) has been discontinued, which I guess indicates that these don't sell. Sigh.
It's so sad that companies are ditching smaller devices. I liked my Pixel 3 as I can perfectly use it with one hand given its convenient 5.5 size. Now that I am considering upgrading to Pixel 7, I just can't shake the feeling that I might not enjoy a 6.3 display.
I'm not looking forward to stepping down from a Nexus 6 to a smaller screen. But then I'm a 6'3" dude. Phones under 5" screens feel like toys to me now.
I'm on the same boat: a year ago, I bought a first-gen Pixel. Back then, Pixel 2 was already out and even Pixel 3 was on the horizon, but 5" is the absolute maximum size I can comfortably operate using one hand. Hell, I would even take a 4.5" phone with decent specs. My old Moto G was incredibly comfortable.
Phone sizes nowadays make me furious. I bought a Pixel 6 one year ago, because "on paper" it looked similar to my Pixel 3a. Just 1mm here, 1mm there. But it actually feels way much bigger and heavier in reality. Impossible to conveniently use it with one hand. (Not possible to verify at shop how it would feel, because all shops have those large anti-theft thingies glued to the phones).
Effectively, the Pixel 6 became my "tablet" at home (or a "camera" when travelling), and I still use Pixel 3a as the default on-the-go phone.
Honestly, I did try to embrace this trend by buying a Nexus 6P when it came out in 2015. I thought I'll just get used to it. I did not. Besides being a pain in the rear to use with one hand, it ripped holes through my pockets with its sharp corners. So when they then announced the (5") Pixel 1 a year later, I bought one immediately and it's still my primary phone. Still, it's a tad larger than would be comfortable, I find it that iPhone 5 (or 5S or 1st gen SE) is an ideal size for me. The only problem with these is that they run iOS.
Some of it is. But phone chassis have slowly creeped up since 2012 or so, a few mm per year, to the point where there really aren't any phones in the small category any more. IMO the Nexus 5 is larger than I'd like -- something the size of the Nexus 5 screen is closer to ideal. I've been using the iPhone SE 2016 for years now, hoping for a worthy successor, and the situation has only gotten worse for many years running now. The Pixel 4a was the last phone that came even close to meeting my requirements (one-handable, fingerprint sensor, headphone jack), and it's going to run out of security updates next year.
Sadly not actually small. I have a Pixel 3A right now and I hate it, it's way, way too big. What I need is something where I can reach the top of the screen (notifications, Firefox URL bar and tab controls, other controls) while using one hand, without loosening my grip on the phone. This worked fine up to about 4.7" screens. Beyond that and it's just impossible.
I’m a long-time small phone Android user. But after the Pixel 5, I have not been able to find a suitable small Android replacement. The Pixel 6 is gigantic, and the Pixel 7 looks like it is also destined to be huge. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve resorted to using an iPhone Mini, biding my time and hoping desperately that some Android OEM would step up.
But it’s increasingly clear that a small premium phone is not on the roadmap. So I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. My goal with is to rally other fans of small phones together and put pressure on Google/Samsung/Anyone to consider making a small phone.
I have a very specific set of skills and industry connections that I have acquired over a long career in the hardware business (my first startup was Pebble). I will put them to use in our shared quest to get the perfect small Android phone. If no one else builds one, and enough people sign up...maybe I will be forced to make it myself.
If you want a small premium Android phone, this may be your last chance (ever?) to help bring back the phone category that we love.
The Nexus 5X was the perfect size phone in my opinion. I'm content with the Pixel 4a at the moment, but it is clearly too tall to use with one hand for me. I have to shimmy it up and down to reach the top and bottom. Which I suspect is the problem with almost every phone these days.