There's long been strong financial pressure for the tech industry to disburse: it's incredibly expensive. Ideally you'd start a tech company somewhere where office and engineers are cheap. But the companies stay in SF because employees and VCs are there. VCs and employees are there because companies are here.
And even though Sand Hill VCs could fund companies anywhere in the country, in practice, they didn't (much). If that's changing, I feel like that's the trigger for a big tech diaspora as much or more than remote eng work.
The root of the problem is that much of the tech industry is strangely old-fashioned about doing business face-to-face. This means that places like SF where the density of tech people is well above-average will attract more tech migrants, and the price of housing will rise until the market clears -- with long-time locals priced out by tech companies that pay high salaries.
As long as tech companies are willing to pay the salaries they're paying, unwilling to open up shop outside SF, and refuse to consider allowing long-distance remote employees, the problem will continue.
Source: Please consider all the job openings you're aware of, and try to keep a count of the fraction that would be closed to remote-only candidates.
I was about to just make the same comment. I think the "tech boom" has done a lot for SF, but it's a great example of how wealth and investment is highly concentrated in just a few areas of the country.
Ideally, startups would look at those costs, do the analysis, and make the decision to locate elsewhere in order to minimize risk. But SF (and NYC) have a kind of legendary status as being where successful tech companies begin. I think that status makes it difficult to consider the value of location based on a cost-benefit analysis.
Paradoxically, the sector that has the knowledge and employee base to be geographically independent are also the ones that pay the most for their location. At a gut-check level I feel there is quite a bit of "Irrational Exuberance" going on in the VC/Tech sector right now.
getting tech out of SF would actually do a lot of people good. I've worked at countless software companies and always wondered why the companies had to be located in the most expensive city in the US.
It's not just the people who are moving away from the bay area, you also have to account for people who are dissuaded from moving to the area due to the high cost of living.
When looking at where to locate my startup we considered SF but when I ran the numbers our runway would be severely limited. Instead we could run for years off of personal savings in the southeast. Instead of being forced to raise VC money I could control my own destiny.
There are definitely strong network effects of living in the valley. They are not strong enough to beat out market forces if you have the skills to make the product yourself. A single person has a lot more leverage than they did 10 years ago. Most tech companies don't require hordes of engineers. There are smart and talented people everywhere.
The majority of tech happens outside of the valley, and its status as the center of innovation is more likely to be a quirk of history than an act of predestination. Build great products that people love to use and everything else will follow.
Very few tech companies have their HQ in SF. Of the top 100 tech companies in the valley, only Salesforce has their HQ in SF. Apple, Cisco, Oracle, Intel, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Adobe, Ebay, they all have HQs in the peninsula south of SF. But they all open engineering offices in SF because that's where many (not all) of the engineering talent wants to live. People want to live in SF, and as tech skills are in demand, companies open up offices in locations that make it easier to attract talent. If anything, I see companies trying to hire outside of SF and promote other offices in lower cost areas -- e.g. Adobe in Utah.
Over time, the rising cost of living will at some point drive people to want to live elsewhere, and then companies will be under less pressure to purchase expensive office space in SF. But believe me, it's not some irrational desire to make less money that causes tech companies to "insist" on leasing office space in the SF market rather than in the cheaper markets in other parts of the bay.
The real problem here is that programming is driven by the young, and they generally don't have the same demand for cheap housing as those who are starting families. Generally speaking, people move out of SF when they have kids and are looking for good schools and more affordable housing. So I guess the cost of providing the more expensive office space for the cheaper (younger) worker works out for tech.
So what you need is a sea change in the desirability of living in SF on the part of the younger/cheaper recruits that tech companies need. This is just a business decision at the end of the day.
Someone probably expressed this idea, but why why why tech companies stay in SF area ? Their operations do not depend on being local to SF. It looks like the tech sector is the single driver of the SF economy. Everyone is quick to blame regulations or residents who support these regulations, but why not to press tech giants to move, even gradually, their operations elsewhere, or distribute it across the whole state/country/world, starting from depressed areas with no jobs.
SF wasn’t chosen by the tech industry. South Bay was. Most big Tech firms’ HQs are outside the city itself, precisely because of lower real estate costs.
The move to SF has been much more recent and mainly fueled by the desire of younger workers to live/work in more densely populated areas. And then most startups started basing out of SF proper to be closer to these workers (and appear “cool”) so now you have all the big startup successes based in the city proper.
I hold what could be an unpopular opinion and what some might call irrelevant, but I think a big factor here is tech. To preface what I'm about to state, I work in tech myself and I know many of you are, and I'm not blaming tech from an outsider point of view.
There is a disproportionate amount of companies starting or moving into SF over even just the past 5 years. Before, if you're starting a tech company, it could be equally common to start it in the peninsula (maybe even more so), say Palo Alto or Mountain View and the like. Nowadays, the default choice is SF and that's majority of the cases by far.
I think collectively, the whole environment is pushing towards building SF into the New York of the west, except instead of banks and the financial industry filling up the town, it's tech companies. I'm not saying it's the agenda of anyone in specific (in government or otherwise) to build out SF that way, I'm saying it's what we're all collectively doing, whether intentional for some of us or simply riding the waves for others.
SF is a city that used to support many industries. Tech is obviously the one industry that is almost the top earner overall (or might even be the absolute top earner by industry). It seems like an obvious factor (and a big one) that's driving anyone not in tech away. In some cases, at the lowest end of the income spectrum, they might not have anywhere to be driven away to other than to the streets. Another anecdotal point is that recent popular article about how <$105k is considered low income in SF.
If this is indeed a factor, one of the things we collectively as part of the tech industry can do, is to intentionally spread ourselves away from SF, into other areas of the bay area. I get it that people want to live in the bay area for its climate and all the conveniences. There's no reason why there can't be tech companies HQ'ing in East Bay, for example. (and I'm not talking about just Oakland, but everywhere from San Leandro down to Fremont, or further east like Pleaston, Livermore, Walnut Creek, etc.)
One of the reasons SF grew as a tech hub was that large tech companies had so many employees living there and commuting to the valley because they preferred the urban lifestyle/environment to the suburbia of the Peninsula and South Bay. Eventually it became a competitive advantage to start up in SF (easier to hire young employees) or open a branch office there (retain employees). I work in SF in tech and many of my coworkers told me that exact story, because they were the ones living it.
Anecdotally, during remote work, I’ve seen a lot of younger people who aren’t on visas go live wherever/not move to SF for their jobs even if their team is in SF, while the established SF residents with houses and families stayed, as they did in the South Bay. The difference is that people who worked in the South Bay but hated it were never living there and instead in SF, so it hasn’t hollowed out as much as SF, which was more of a choice. Also from what I’ve seen, immigrants from India/China preferred to live in the South Bay anyway.
SF is great and I think it’s inevitable that it will see a resurgence. My guess is that young people at some point, being inherently contrarian, will eventually start rejecting remote work and want to live the lavish tech office lifestyle with other 20-something’s again. Likely the 2010s Google/Facebook experiences will be viewed with nostalgia and young people will try to recreate it in their new companies - it already almost doesn’t exist anymore since major company offices are sparsely attended and have had all the perks slowly cut back.
I wonder if SF could experience some tech detroitification in about 10-20 years, or possibly sooner.
As a tech worker here, I and others engineers I know are becoming disenfranchised with the housing prices around here to the point that I'm casually exploring where I might want to move next in 4 years or so if this situation doesn't reverse itself.
With the number of engineers all feeling the same, it's possible to find enough people to willing to be a co-founder and move to a much cheaper part of the world during the formative months/years when your company is pre-profit. Take Silicon Valley investing connections, a mobile workforce, rising housing prices and you basically have a confluence of forces that will accelerate a diaspora of engineers to more places in the world without necessarily giving up on the tech community that makes SF so desirable. Once decent sizeable tech communities show up in more places, the greater the likelihood that engineers in the Bay Area look around and tell themselves "This just isn't worth it. I'm paying a premium to be around colleagues, but now my colleagues are everywhere and it's just not worth it anymore."
At the end of the day every engineer without rent control is going to face a financial decision once a year when rents are raised that could make moving elsewhere more attractive. What's the point of improving at your job and earning raises when most of your raise ends up going into your landlord's pocket. Do that 2-3 times and you are either going to look into someway of getting into rent control unit or you're going to start considering other options elsewhere.
All you really need to stay in the area for is to create a solid enough professional network that you'll gain access to the smart capital in the region. Once you have that, you can go anywhere since investors will know you, what you're capable of and that investing in you and your business is a good idea. If this happens often enough, you're going to start to see more VCs comfortable with this approach that they'll be able to tell offer job candidates coming through the VC hiring offices positions in portfolio companies located in places that might be more desirable to a tech worker than SF.
I stay in SF because some of the most interesting tech jobs are here. Once that is no longer a valid assumption and my professional network is sufficiently geographically distributed, I no longer have anything tying me solely to San Francisco.
I can't count the number of conversations I've had with other engineers about thinking about moving to Berlin or Portland or even trying to set up shop in some cheap remote paradise where we would have the financial liberty to invite friends to come out and hang out in a guest room for weeks to months at a time so long as they pay the airfare and living arrangements. Top places on my list when I entertain ideas like this are small beach towns along the Northeast of Brazil. I'm often amazed at how many of my engineer friends are onboard with this ideas, more than willing to exchange San Francisco so long as they know they will have engineering peers and interesting engineering problems to solve in some other locale.
Even the cultural attractions that made San Francisco awesome have been co-opted by the hipster culture and gone mainstream enough that SF no longer has the strong lead on novel cultural innovations that it once had.
"It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be
seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and
possess all the attractions of the next world"
-- Oscar Wilde
All the attractions of the next world are starting to crop up everywhere more and more and here in SF less and less. Eventually the barrier to going elsewhere and still working on fun engineering problems will be easily surmountable.
As long as big tech makes big bucks in the Bay Area, the money's gonna want their labor within arm's reach. Remote work has its place but for most companies you can't have your cake and eat it - remote is either all or nothing. That leaves local employment. Paying a quarter million to a developer seems like a lot, until you compare the efficiency gains of keeping everyone in one place.
I think the real issue with Silicon Valley's future isn't financial, it's cultural. I believe it is rapidly becoming a second Wall Street: the place where young professionals tough it out for a few years until their bank accounts and resumes are good enough for a more fulfilling job in a cheaper and more preferable location without the cost and the crazy.
The Bay Area is a great place to make money, but is it truly a great place to live? Strip away the nice weather and trendy restaurants, and it's hard not to notice how much of the communitarian counterculture that peaked in the 60s has been, like so much of the world today, eaten by software.
In theory, this could alleviate some of the issues you are seeing in SF, but in practice this is not something many tech companies founded here would do. Most new tech companies are being started by people already working in the industry, and the industry is located in Silicon Valley, with epicenter now being in SF. So it just doesn't make sense from a competitive perspective for most companies to move out of the Bay when there's no better place for "tech".
To me, the most logical conclusion is to organize and create the political will to create the housing necessary to alleviate prices. This could be on a regional level - building more housing throughout the east bay and peninsula, or organizing on the city level to re-zone and re-develop parts of the city that can most easily support denser development.
Not everyone will like it but as long as you have more people than the anti-more-housing crowd and are organized to vote, it can be done.
You seem to think they have a choice. Most tech workers don't want to live in the Bay Area. They're forced to live there because their careers require it.
VC is a feudalistic, oligarchic reputation economy, concentrated in a tiny (now congested and overpriced) geographic area. Since they're not content to be passive investors (although their portfolios would perform better than they were) but want to actively manage, they only fund companies within 30 miles of them.
Tech workers don't have much of a choice. If you want to have a career in this game, you have to live where the jobs are.
It’s not just optimized for founders. The investment-employment concentration is a feedback loop that has been running for decades. Investment stays here because there is such an established concentration of talent. VCs talk about wanting to tap into the global talent pool. But, remote/distributed development is still a penalty vs everyone on the same floor. And, there are no comparable concentrations elsewhere.
The Bay Area is expensive. But, if you have a tech job, the pay balances out easily. Sometimes excessively.
There is tons of interesting tech work in the Bay. Not just pay the bills and go home work. But, work that is fascinating in itself. If you can’t find fascinating work here, maybe your interest in tech is limited to the paycheck. That’s totally respectable. But, you’d probably be happier some place more family friendly, or with mountains, or with a culture less focused on work -even if your bank account won’t grow as fast.
The arts culture has fallen off recently as rents have risen and the drug/homeless epidemic has really picked up in the past two years. But, it’s SF is still a beautiful city full of wonderful things. And, a lot of (mostly dog) poop.
Tech companies aren't charitable foundations designed to help developers. They're businesses. They aim to maximise profit. If they can lower wage costs of course they'll do it.
I suspect this is just the beginning of the move away from the Bay Area. Give it twenty years and small offices and remote workers distributed across the country will be very normal. Wages (and Bay Area house prices) will reflect that.
10-12 years ago, there was no tech in SF. Zero. It was mainly financial companies or workers for Levi's, Gap, etc. All the best tech companies were in South Bay. It was Twitter, Zynga, Yelp and quickly followed by Uber, Airbnb, and all the other cool startups that brought tech into SF and probably the cause of that shift. SF started giving tax breaks to tech companies in the late aughts, and then it started the huge migration of tech startups from South Bay to SF.
Before that, it was rare for tech workers to live in SF. Most would live in South Bay and come up to SF to party on weekends.
Also, salaries went crazy in the last 8-10 years. Once all these rich tech workers came to the city that thought they knew best because they were rich and young, that's probably what caused the shift.
I have a feeling that tech companies in the most expensive parts of the Bay Area are going to have trouble getting some people to come back to the office rather than move somewhere a bit cheaper and continue to work remotely.
Whoa there silver. Just because a few tech companies are giving up their space doesn’t mean commercial office space is doomed. There are still plenty of non-tech companies and local businesses (like law firms) that I doubt will be going away.
Tech companies have a huge incentive here - they can now start hiring engineers at non Bay Area prices. Which, if enough companies do it, means your salaries are at risk. Nobody cares that it’s expensive to live here, they only pay because they all insisted on in person offices. By going remote they can stop paying Bay Area rents and compensation levels.
It's amazing that most companies, including tech companies, operate technology with a diaspora of people across the globe. Yet the bigshots need to be in SFO for reasons.
There's long been strong financial pressure for the tech industry to disburse: it's incredibly expensive. Ideally you'd start a tech company somewhere where office and engineers are cheap. But the companies stay in SF because employees and VCs are there. VCs and employees are there because companies are here.
And even though Sand Hill VCs could fund companies anywhere in the country, in practice, they didn't (much). If that's changing, I feel like that's the trigger for a big tech diaspora as much or more than remote eng work.