Sorry, what makes them scummy? Because they want random squatters who are stealing stuff and not paying, while dealing drugs to not be in their accommodations that they created?
This kind of comment is exactly why “we can’t have nice things” when low-life’s are always defended, while those of us who actually meaningfully contribute to society are burdened to pick up the pieces and put up with illegal behavior.
there's a large class of people who have checked out of society and live in encampments while stealing to get by. I wouldn't be so quick to assume that this is because of capital misallocation; after all, in SF they allocate ridiculous sums to housing transients (far more than I spend on my own housing on a per capita basis) and the problem persists. In LA the budget is $1B annually.
If you haven't noticed, the median transient is a drug addict (mostly meth/opiates) and the typical drug addict chooses not to participate in society, inasmuch as you can accept that they have any agency at all. Some may think they are being compassionate with this victim-coddling but this only makes sense if you take the view that the victim-criminals enjoy their situation, since the coddling isn't elevating any of them out of poverty.
Obviously theft is not a long-term solution. Being a lowlife is no way to live. There are people working the skin off their bones on two jobs just to barely live. And some entitled shmuck wants the easy way out?
Lack of opportunities for a nice lifestyle is not a justification for criminal behavior. They're on completely separate axes, and people would do well to disconnect the two. That is one of the big reasons that we're in this mess in the first place. I.e. people being unhappy with their share of the pie and using it as justification to steal/defraud, and finally to hurt when the first two don't fix their situation.
“doing poor people things (stealing to stay alive or pay rent). No sympathy for WalMart from me.”
No sympathy for you from me. There will always be people on both sides of the spectrum. There’s people who work hard to pay rent without resorting to criminality. In fact this is more common than your characterization that if you’re poor you steal, or as you call it “poor people things”. What an insult to those people.
I suppose you condone the gross shoplifting and then the slippery slope to committing felonies.
So poor people are a bunch of stationary bandits and we pay them money in tribute to prevent them from harming us? What horrible people you make them out to be.
(Note: I have no problem with people who sell drugs or sex and think both should be legal. I'm referring specifically to theft here.)
I'm not sure why we need to accept this increased crime tradeoff. Why can't we (here "we" refers to folks who are willing to work for money rather than steal) just wall ourselves off from them?
Some people are willing to steal money directly. A dollar lost is a dollar gained. They make me mad.
There is quite another type, alive and well in our political and legal system, that have no problem stealing or ruining thousands for a few dollars gain for themselves. I well and truly wish these folks hadn't been born.
I feel as soon as humanity grows out of the stage where this kind of behavior is tolerated, we'll be well on our way to the utopia that most of us hope for. Once you nip this impulse in the bud, it won't matter if the systems are socialist, capitalist or whatever, they'll probably work just dandy. This is why we can't have nice things.
I dislike that kind of attitude towards the poor, it's infantilizing and strips people of their agency, it's like the modern "noble savage", just some others who are pure of heart and can only be corrupted by the evil influence of the system.
I've been dirt poor, I've been homeless, I've been alone in a foreign country with no one to turn to, I've lived in such shit places that my neighbour got shot down with an AK not 100 meters from my doorstep ... in Europe. I still didn't steal.
There are systemic issues which keep people down, that doesn't excuse immoral and illegal behaviour. I've known a lot of criminals, they're by and large scumbags, not some modern robinhoods stealing for the sake of their family because of capitalism.
Because normal funcitoning people want to conduct commerce and experience a crime free life visiting these corporations, or any other place, within the cities that they live.
We should put criminals in jail and mercilessly shame and make fun of people like you that construct some nonsense rationalization for all of us accepting allowing our homes, our towns our streets to turn into shitholes. You are a LOSER and the rest of us are getting real sick of putting up with your type.
I was going to mention in my original post, but I'll add here.. that the misguided moralisms are only part of the problem. There is a not insiginificant portion of the voting (or non voting) population, and political activists, that support and enable this nonsense not out of a misguided sense of compassion but similar to parent comment here, because they have a bitterness and ressentiment towards this or that other part of society and want to see orderly civilization destroyed.
In some ways this may even be a subconcious motivation, but it is there. There's been way too much explicit crime and degredation for many to just be fooled by good intentions for this to continue, it's something else as well. Many are thrilled with these trends.
>You think people are shoplifting from Whole Foods for fun?
Yes, absolutely this is a part of it. They do it because they want to and they can. Some may want to stick it to the man like you want them to do. But it doesn't matter, because some sob-story claim of being poor "therefore crime" is untenable even if true and should be rejected out of hand. It's bullshit.
Nice places are expensive. The whole world cannot nor should they assume some right to live anywhere just because. Politicial dysfunction does play a part of economic pain, but some people will not be able to make it in expensive places. They do not have a claim to tear down these places just because they can't afford to live there. They deserve jail for that. I want to have nice clean orderly crime-free streets. And this is entirely achievable and has been achieved in many times and places throughout history, in the US as well. The moral position is to take anyone trying to destroy this or inflict crime on people and businesses and put them in prison.
People freed from the shackles of ethics taking as much as they can get? Who cares if they deserve it? /s Not a crime, only grifters griftin along, same old.
Sorry for the negativity, feeling bitter about it.
Your view of reality is that of a severely coddled person. In reality, you cannot have rich without poor, unless you suggest literal communism. Even in Scandinavian utopias, people rape, steal and murder.
Please wake up from the fairy tale that all bad things have a just cause that can be fixed. No. Some people would rather steal your stuff than go to the trouble of getting their own legitimately.
Because these people aren't stealing a Ferrari for a joyride, they're stealing things like diapers and laundry detergent... sometimes for personal use, but often to resell to other poor people to fuel a drug addiction.
These are people who live in poverty. Their lives are so bad that punishment is near meaningless.
Our rule demands one do everything they can to help the poorest -- not just spending one’s wealth and selling one’s possessions, but breaking the law if that will help.
Sounds simply dreadful. Not an attractive way to live and not an attractive society to live in.
Not that normal people would ever try to live this way. I suppose you could terrorize them into saying they were trying to live this way.
By the way, breaking into buildings, stealing food, and then donating some money to a fashionable cause is thrill seeking and attention whoring, not philanthropy.
if I just do drugs and I take your property to survive, that's okay?
if I decide not to work, I can just go to any grocery stores to steal?
they need to survive by stealing is a failure of the system that is in place, either education or the social support system. Accommodating for the system's failures by giving up property rights is a defeatist take at best, virtue signaling at worst.
This kind of comment is exactly why “we can’t have nice things” when low-life’s are always defended, while those of us who actually meaningfully contribute to society are burdened to pick up the pieces and put up with illegal behavior.