Yes. Taking digital crack cocaine for breakfast, lunch and dinner uninterrupted and everyday does get you these mental disorders which are not good for the brain.
TikTok knows this and they thrive in knowingly damaging the mental health of their users of this addiction.
Everybody goes through this kind of thing when they first encounter the definitions and symptoms of psychological disorders. It's just that at the moment TikTok is the medium and as usual people blame the medium for the message.
Half of them simply have tiktok addiction, and if they were to uninstall tiktok and go find some real friends instead of following semi-celebrities, the other mental health issues would probably subside too...
It's even worse. People on TikTok are all diagnosing themselves with anxiety, depression, neurodiversity, OCD, ADHD, and autism out of a mix of fashion, group pressure and teenage angst.
Where are all the schizos and self-diagnosed narcissists? Me thinks the distribution is off.
All social media with attention management may be weaponized and has generally proven to be unhealthy for society. TikTok happens to be actively worse for a number of reasons, one of them being that it is designed to be so.
Not being on Tiktok is not social isolation nor is it mentally devastating. I think many here are projecting their own addictions when they make these hyperbolic assertions.
The only reason I ever downloaded TikTok was to watch cringe videos of people cosplaying having multiple personality disorder. I deleted it the same day.
(Sorry, it just had to be said.)