Hot diggity that's a sweet machine- keys for car and cdr! I want one really badly, but I know it'll just sit in a drawer, because 90s tech just isn't gonna hold up for practical use.
Interesting! TBF, attaching to a keyring is the only obvious use case where I'd really need something like that and I've already ordered one of the (cheap) attach to keychain accessories. But love how people figure out this sort of thing.
Do you mind sharing where you got the titanium keyrings and carabiners?
I've been searching forever for decent keyrings. There's a few carabiners (though the titanium ones are hard to find there too, and usually covered in obnoxious branding). But keyrings especially seem to be an under-served market. There's either (1) the usual mass-produced, flimsy, cheap garbage, or (2) something tougher and more expensive, but covered in branding.
I've settled with (2) for now (though it's not even titanium), but it'd be nice to not have to look at a giant billboard every time I pull out my keys.