> I do wear a mask when I go to the grocery store - I'm not an idiot
I'm very skeptical that my wearing a common mask protects me from anyone else. I do suspect that it reduces the possibility of me infecting someone else (hypothetically, assuming I'm asymptomatic).
> I assume that while breathing there isn't enough pressure on your throat to exude virus with your breath, so the mask doesn't do anything here either.
Why would you just assume something so critical to your entire conclusion?
> I'm not going to wear a bit of cloth over my face to filter out viruses until someone convinces me that it does me any good (note, we are talking about masks helping the wearer).
You are misrepresenting the course of the discussion. Someone asserted masks probably aren’t helpful. I countered with some studies suggesting that that’s wrong. You’ve attacked (fairly) the studies I’ve presented, but not offered any support for the original assertion.
Anyway, even if I have failed to convince you, would you consider wearing a mask for the benefit of those around you?
They recommend against wearing medical to help cull the shortage, and they recommend against wearing non-medical because they can provide a false sense of security, especially when worn incorrectly. Both very good reasons, IMO.
I just assume that anyone wearing a mask is doing so because they're infected, as per the recommendations, and I'm giving them a wide berth.
> Out of curiosity, what is your basis for wearing a mask?
Protecting those around me if I happen to be carrying but asymptomatic. If it reduces the chances of spreading the disease by even 1% then it's worth a slight inconvenience to help keep my fellow humans safe.
IMO, being willing to accept a minor inconvenience for the betterment of the population as whole is a key facet of being a functioning member of society.
> Don't wear a mask if you have a day-long interview at a FAANG
Why on earth wouldn't I? My O2 levels don't seem to be too degraded by a mask. And, even if they were, I would never expect to be hired by people who saw me put them at risk. I'm not sure I would feel comfortable accepting a job from people who would hire someone who wasn't willing to wear a mask.
> I wish we could have an adult conversation, not pretend there are no minuses and masks are a no brainer in all situations.
I've never experienced a negative from wearing a mask. Some people are really opposed by I just don't get it. It makes as much sense to me as people not wearing a seat belt because they worry about chaffing.
> there are places in the world where they are just as serious about covid as US, and yet kids can stay in class without masks.
Every state that lets kids run around without masks produces news stories about COVID spreading like wildfire through the schools. I don't know why I would consider that acceptable. Kids should not be forced to get COVID for no reason.
>Vaccination is also about stopping the overall spread of infections.
Then why are people still asked to wear masks in stores even if they are vaccinated? I've heard from the media non-stop that even if you have the vaccination you need to wear a mask - it doesn't make sense.
Why not?