I was pretty sure you wouldn't have any criticism more nuanced than "FAKE NEWS," but it's nice to see it confirmed.
I provided a few links because you're apparently unable to use search engines. If you were, you'd understand that people haven't forgotten Rogan's comments.
That was just an example among many. Anything from alien landings to Atlantis to god knows what is fair game to Rogan.
He will gladly give his huge platform to the most complete wacko as long as it makes a good story and gets him his clicks, spreading a ton of misinformation and reinforcing common ignorant beliefs in the process.
Could you please give us some specific examples of Joe Rogan being deceptive with direct quotes in context? I've only ever listened to a few episodes but I'm always suspicious of vague allegations with no evidence.
Hey if I start spewing misinformation about my opponents while accusing them of not providing sources, all while failing to provide sources for my baseless claims like OP, then you can hold me to account. I never made such statements.
Perhaps you or OP would like to share details of the misinformation you claim was shared on Joe Rogan’s show? I watched both episodes and found lots of controversial claims - all backed by citations.
I would challenge that most of Joe Rogan’s critics have never watched the episodes in question. I wouldn’t be willing to stake my life on it however.
Though Rogan may be spreading false ideas around, he is incomparable to the MSM making up stories and misleading the public in the last decade or so that I've been monitoring. There's a reason Rogan has audience in the millions. People have lost trust after being lied to repeatedly.
If Rogan had reviewed and assessed the claims and any support before hand, checking how they stand up to scrutiny, and only then conducted the interview then this would all be a non issue.
That way he’d call out garbage facts like his guests recently have had instead of making them seem legitimate by giving them equal coverage to real facts and he’s also be able to highlight a Galileo should those facts line up.
It's obvious that Rogan has a diverse audience from looking at the facts.
It's up to you to provide evidence to the contrary or you will have proven yourself to be arguing in bad faith which wastes people's time and harms discourse.
What were the exact things that Rogan or his guests said that were misinformation? I don't watch him, but the excerpts I watched from the Robert Malone interview weren't misinformation. The guy even seemed to be pro-vax.
If you want us to take your concerns seriously you'll have to come up with a better example than Alex Jones. I'm not going to waste my time listening to that episode but I highly doubt that Joe Rogan ever claimed his crackpot views were facts. And I don't think Jones was ever presented as an intellectual.
I’ve never listened to the show and don’t know enough to have an opinion on him. But if you employ a fact-checker they have to be checking both sides. Otherwise it’s biased;
people will misremember things even in good faith. And it seems that Rogan was wrong about some claims about the wildfires in Oregon — he admitted it on Twitter, but where was the fact-checker in that case?
And Rollingstone has multiple examples of either exaggerating stories or making them up out of whole cloth.