Ironic because Fox News has zero credibility. Their prime time anchor Tucker Carlson won against slander charges in court by arguing that he does not state actual facts and instead engages in exaggeration and non-literal commentary. They are clearly a mouthpiece for one of two sides, like other “news” organizations.
And since the beginning of Covid Joe Rogan has stopped being just a dude who hangs out and smokes with his buddies, something I used to love about the show. He is constantly and consistently political, making medical claims and other kinds of claims that are nonsensical. He’s started favoring certain types of guests, and avoiding the friends who call him out.
I used to argue vehemently that free speech can be infringed upon under no circumstance. I still will. But now I see the “other side” more clearly, that is, where is the line when someone has one of the largest platforms in the world and uses it to spread dangerous misinformation? He’s way past just some dude. I have friends who take what he says as gospel, because they want to learn how to be men and Joe is a man’s man. At the same time, he does make good arguments in favor of discourse, hearing different viewpoints, etc. so how do we handle this?
It'd be a reasonable guess that more people will hear about this on Joe Rogan's podcast than on Fox News. If Tucker Carlson starts a podcast it is plausible more people will be deciding their opinions based on what he says than based on what Fox News says.
We are fortunate to live in an era when groups like the CRTC are incapable of silencing opinions that they disagree with. Still distasteful though.
But why? Joe Rogan doesn’t publish news. The podcast is in the form of a conversation between two people. He does talk about current events, just as everybody else does when they have a conversation.
He doesn’t make any claim that is show is anything more than two people chatting. If anyone is using JRE as a trusted news source, then they are an idiot. You can’t stop people from being idiots, nor should we attempt to childproof the entire world on their behalf.
Just a reminder: JRE is entertainment. The root problem isn’t Rogan (or hundreds of talk show hosts like him), it’s the desire to consume entertainment instead of information, and the willingness to trust entertainers instead of experts.
But while that’s a huge problem that can’t be easily solved, it’s easy to go after Rogan. After all, he started out interviewing with tons of curiosity, but since COVID/BLM/2020 election, his show has turned into an echo chamber where he willingly abandoned his curiosity and critical thinking and jumps on the bandwagon of whatever ideology he feels like promoting that week.
He was a Charlie Rose for the common man, now he’s more like a Hannity for the common man.
I'm not a Joe Rogan fan but I share this opinion. Fox News isn't fake news because it isn't news at all. it's literally just a propaganda network. NYT is supposed to be a higher standard.
As to centrism, I'm not sure Rogan has enough of a coherent ideology to even call him a centrist.
I like the JRE. I like that he listens to everyone and engages with them. The world could do with more of that rather than this tribalism shit.
On one of his recent podcasts, he supports fox news keeping it's guests from specific no-no topics because they don't want to loose their credibility.
The irony, obviously, being that Joe should also keep his guests and himself away from certain no-no topics. That's the thing though. Joe doesn't seem himself as a credible news source, a voice of a movement, or any of those other things because accuse him of. It's mainly just him hanging out with his buddies smoke'n (sometimes literally) and joke'n.
Woah, what compels you to write such an inflammatory comment?
Sure, Joe Rogan gives a platform to many opinions.... name another long-form content production that gives voice to many; irrespective of politics, in an undeniably informative format?
I'm sick of seeing the anti-$ rhetoric. JRE has hundreds of guests across tons of realms:
Fox News has been the hyper-profitable and true mainstream media for awhile now. They make a lot of money because they're pandering to a slight minority opinion that is often not well supported by other organizations. Put another way: they manufacture and distribute information that otherwise wouldn't exist and this is actually in very high demand by people with a message. In short, supply is scarce for reactionary messaging and when effective communicators do emerge in that market they immediately find a ton of interested parties throwing money at them.
Rogan is an extension of that phenomenon, and it's the reason he makes lots of money. He's a lot like Limbaugh or Hannity in his career path; by showing a willingness to cater to authoritarian reactionary views, he's opened himself up to a lot of media opportunities.
What's weird about the narrative around Rogan is that he was ever "alternative" to begin with. He's been indistinguishable in methodology from the average conservative pundit for some time. His guest lists are very similar to the average conservative pundit. That he used a different broadcast media isn't that significant. He panders to the same sorts of audience segments in a younger audience.
Joe Rogan has transformed slowly but surely from a liberal who smoked weed to a somebody who appeals to conservative fervor. For example, he will rail against the vaccine because “big pharma.” Then he “throws the kitchen sink” at COVID when he gets it, including flaunting the ridiculous ivermectin BS that us chimps will be laughing at ourselves over in 50 years, ironically a product of big pharma. So what is it, does he support or not support big pharma when he leverages ivermectin and monoclonal antibody treatment.
Now, you list off a few names like Elon Musk, Tim Ferris, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Sam Harris, all of whom have companies to market, images to sell, podcasts to peddle, speaking tours and appearance fees to offer, and ideologies to impart. Yes, they’re all selling something to you, and Rogan fans delude themselves if they think they’re simply consuming pure intellectual discourse. This isn’t Dialectic, and nobody is Plato here.
Do you think it’s any coincidence that after Jordan Peterson - a guy who sells himself as a clinically-minded intellectual and liberty defender with liberal aesthetics - went on Rogan the other day, conveniently after stepping away from his teaching post at the U of Toronto. He’s got a speaking tour lined up. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Jordan Peterson, after resigning immediately released an article in the National Post about how “appalling” diversity, inclusion and equity is?
I’ve got a bridge to sell all the Rogan fans. It was fun to listen to him back in 2016 when he smoked weed and talked to writers and doctors. But it’s no longer 2016. And this isn’t an approval to shut him down or even shut him up. It’s simply criticism of misbehavior.
Weird to see Joe Rogan here, he literally just parrots whatever his guest is saying. Used to love watching until I realized he just repeats whatever sentiment his guest is saying.
He had Stefan Molyneux and Gavin McInees on, and never once challenged them on their white supremacist views.
fReeDoM oF sPeeCh is so ridiculous but 10x in this situation. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech, this has to do with not backing a platform that is ok with misinformation. Rogan isn't a guy that wants all sides heard, he's just trying to get even more rich than he currently is. He knows his audience and he caters to them no matter the ethical cost.
Neil Young doesn't want to be associated with it. This is as much about freedom of speech as Fox News cutting off people who go off agenda.
What’s interesting is that in their letter they don’t provide any data to refute what was said, they simply use their profession as a resin they should be listened to. This kind of cancel culture is outrageous. They pretend that Joe Rogan wouldn’t hear their side of the story if they prepared an actual refutation with the data to back it up. Even in the article itself it shows Joe already heard from opposing opinions so why write this letter except to cancel someone they don’t like?
You can pull it off if you've got integrity. John Stewart surely has plenty of integrity in my eyes. Joe's definitely also going for integrity, but maybe he's also liable to be pulled into the views of his guests. He certainly keeps an open mind, but if you surround yourself with a certain kind of people at some point you'll develop a bias no matter how open you're trying to be.
What's scarier are the persons who for the law are considered entertainment, but conduct themselves on Fox as if they're real journalists, and lie and deceive with impunity. If Joe Rogan could disrupt the right media with that, the same way John and maybe Stephen did on the left side, the world would be a better place for sure.
Im really (negatively) surprised by an artist who is straight up against freedom of speech even if he disagrees with the content.
We're in this weird place where we label anything we disagree with as disinformation. I'm a big fan of Joe Rogan's podcast, but not Joe himself. He brings in interesting and different people and allows them to share their thoughts and experiences without interruption you see on TV or much setup, or most importantly, censorship.
You can disagree with what his guests are saying, or his views, but it's really dangerous to push for deplatforming him or his guests simply because you disagree with their views.
Joe Rogan is entertainment radio for bros. I say that as a bro. I don’t like any of the “approved” talk show type entertainment like John Oliver or whatever else. Can I please just have entertainment I like? If you take his show away I’ll just find something similar.
Alex Jones is a great example. Who let's Jones rave on for 3 hours? No one. Broadcasters are not going to want to be associated with him. Rogan just lets him go. I disagree with 95% of what Jones says but I'm not going to take anyone's word for it. I watch the 3 hours and then conclude on my own Jones is nuts. Free speech isn't just lip service on that show and kudos for that cause it's rare.
Bonus for Rogan is controversy/media coverage which attracts viewers. Rogan is savvy about the media and Internet.
So multiplying lies and propaganda is free speech?
Jow Rogan is free to talk his nonsense. Amplifying life threatening nonsense is not protecting free speech, it's greed, it's making money over others misfortune.
Rogan et Al. Know they spew nonsense, they don't believe their shit, it's just for the lolz. They are chaos agents enjoying seeing the world crumble while making money of it.
And since the beginning of Covid Joe Rogan has stopped being just a dude who hangs out and smokes with his buddies, something I used to love about the show. He is constantly and consistently political, making medical claims and other kinds of claims that are nonsensical. He’s started favoring certain types of guests, and avoiding the friends who call him out.
I used to argue vehemently that free speech can be infringed upon under no circumstance. I still will. But now I see the “other side” more clearly, that is, where is the line when someone has one of the largest platforms in the world and uses it to spread dangerous misinformation? He’s way past just some dude. I have friends who take what he says as gospel, because they want to learn how to be men and Joe is a man’s man. At the same time, he does make good arguments in favor of discourse, hearing different viewpoints, etc. so how do we handle this?