The alt-right a loose collection (with overlaps) of January 6th supporters, anti-vaccination activists, people who believe the election was stolen, white supremacists, and so forth.
Ben Shapiro is pro-vax, does not believe the election was stolen, and has had the FBI arrest alt-right people who made death threats against him multiple times over the years. "Poster child of the movement?" Unless you consider alt-right to be completely the same as far-right, that was never the case. No movement makes death threats against their poster child.
Ben Shapiro is, even though I disagree with him on many things, certainly not alt-right. He is very pro-vaccination and condemned January 6th as an ugly day in American history. His advice to people basically is work hard, get married, have a family, and don't be a criminal.
Ben Shapiro is definitely not the "alt-right". Unless by the alt-right you mean all conservatives. He was heavily targeted by the alt-right since he supported Cruz and he still is on the fence about Trump (criticizes him fairly often). Also he is an Orthodox Jew.
As the other commenter mentioned, the alt-right is to some extent an advocacy for white supremacy and white nationalism. It comfortably falls into the spectrum of the identity politics, as well supporting authoritarian strategies (nationalist border and trade policies).
Ben Shapiro is mostly a classical liberal with personal conservative beliefs. Anti-authoritarian, focus on individual identities and universal policy.
Because in online circles, the 'alt-right' has basically become synonymous with white nationalism, advocacy for an ethnostate and/or belief in a Jewish conspiracy.
Are you suggesting that alt-right is analogous to Nazi or that a Jewish person couldn't be a Nazi? Either way, what does it have to do with Ben Shapiro's actual beliefs?
Alt right as in you found videos advocating for a white ethno state on youtube? Because that's the opposite of Ben Shapiro.
Antifa are pretty explicitly ('by any means necessary', carrying baseball bats, beating people up) a violent group, people can and do enjoy seeing others retaliate.
I'm not bringing up Wikipedia or anything else. I am going to one of the main alt-right people to define their beliefs and membership[0].
Vox Day is alt-right. That probably is not a controversial statement to anyone. I would assume that he knows who is alt-right and who is not. Given that he wrote an article[2] that declares Ben Shapiro and enemy of the alt-right and later tries to classify Mr. Shapiro[3], I am given to believe being someones enemy is a pretty good sign that you are not that same someone.
I think you desperately want to classify Ben Shapiro as alt-right for some weird reason. I would assume so you can ignore any argument he puts forward with a cheap label.
0) having to read some of this stuff to actually reply is truly painful and frankly its bad enough I have to read far left stuff, reading alt-right stuff is just as painful.
The downvoters are mindless ideologues who can't argue, only mash arrow buttons.
Re: Ben Shapiro -- As far as I can tell, he's a religious conservative, with a certain cosmopolitan flavor of rationalist deism, which completely falls in line with his particular religious beliefs. He's also one of the most effective and vocal critics of the Alt-Right. He's actively regarded as an enemy by most of the Alt-Right. Anyone who tries and tell you that Ben Shapiro is Alt-Right is an unprincipled ideologue who doesn't care about facts, only political power.
Whatever Ben Shapiro is, alt-right or just right of center, he holds views typical of most conservatives. If that means all the U.S. conservatives meet your definition of alt-right, so be it.
Ben Shapiro is pro-vax, does not believe the election was stolen, and has had the FBI arrest alt-right people who made death threats against him multiple times over the years. "Poster child of the movement?" Unless you consider alt-right to be completely the same as far-right, that was never the case. No movement makes death threats against their poster child.