Like all things the truth is probably somewhere in the middle...
That’s a fallacy. Between anti-vaxxers and modern medicine the truth isn’t in the middle. Between Nazi ideology and its victims, the truth wasn’t in th middle. Between people who think that cell phone towers are controlling their minds with alien rays, and the rest of us, the truth isn’t in the middle.
What does that even mean? People usually say this when they want to sound wise but to me it sounds like nonsense cowardly pseudo-intellectualism. So you've determined the truth is "somewhere in the middle" of two vast extremes. How does that contribute to the conversation? It's like playing the "guess what number I'm thinking of" game and the options are between 1 and 1,000,000 and you guess "somewhere in the middle" and proudly walk away. More importantly, it adds to the idea that there is one truth, that the whole thing can be boiled down to any easy and simple truth. This isn't the case, reality is far more complicated than that.