> Deliberately appearing as a troll until the crucial context arrives to reverse the entire meaning is a shit narrative device when discussing serious issues. Save this stuff for stupid memes.
Even with the context it's obviously a troll, because the poster spends the entire first graph building a straw man. The underlying implication is that Republicans are somehow persecuted against by a nameless group who believes all of these negative attributes apply, but no evidence is presented for this.
> This is the right wing paranoid delusional equivalent of the Silicon Valley billionaires who dream of never dying by uploading their brains into computers circling Mars.
> because HN is filled with liberal SS thugs like you.
As someone generally critical of radical left-wing politics (in fact, any radical politics), you are not doing yourself (or anyone) any favours by using ad hominem arguments like this. Please just stop.
> there are thousands of mostly far-right groups that are flooding google with garbage
Is there a citation for this? I see lots of far-left garbage on social media generally (by which I mean posts espousing violent revolution, racism, sexism, blank slatism, anarchism, and/or communism). I'm sure there are niches of far right racism, but it mostly seems like a niche problem (and given that the far right is largely a reaction to the far left, it stands to reason that we have an opportunity and obligation to kill both with the same stone).
> Milo Yiannopoulos advocates for practices that would literally kill people, in addition to advocating for pedophilia and getting very close to Nazi talking points.
You should be able to post some links illustrating this. I expect he says a lot of things that sound like that but which really aren't on closer inspection. Traditionally the political wings produce fan fiction of the other side and heavily paraphrase whatever the other side says.
Are you aware that Milo Yiannopoulos does not claim to be on the far right and they don't think he is either? His political orientation is best described troll-wing.
It's not hilarious, it's the modus operandi to keep things vague so that they can hide behind apologists when called out. Like hiding behind decentralization to minimize the implicitly organized behavior of antifa. It's disingenuous and subversive. Then again I suppose subversion is the point...
> Only those on the far right believe this
I as hyperbolic as the phrase you are critical of, and equally absurd.