This all sounds cool in theory but I'd like to point out that NFTs have existed for quite a while now and so far none of these things have ever been implemented in any of the released games. Which makes me doubtful that people are interested in these kinds of solutions in the first place.
Is this just protifing on a topical craze or does this have staying power? What experience does in-game NFTs offer to players that they otherwise cannot find in traditional database backed assets?
I don't think any nfts actually did that though? Only promised it as a potential feature without building anything past what the nft creator gets paid for
Basically. Also, it's already possible to do NFTs with negligible amount using Immutable X layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum - it's just that they seem to be doing it only for Gods Unchained right now. There will be even more other NFT scaling solutions.
Literally every online game has been doing digital scarcity forever. Let's see if any of the NFT collections end up having the success and lifetime of Eve Online or World of Warcraft.
I realise there are hypothetical advantages to NFTs over in-game items, but I am not yet sure they will be worth it in the long term.
They did, but they were an insular community as a result. NFTs allow for a common open standard to be interoperable between games. That helps create an economy where, for example, you can buy a digital artwork at a Christie's auction and display it in Decentraland and have it be verifiably authentic.
Second Life was awesome! This Metaverse trend is pushing that concept much, much further and it's giving ownership and utility to the makers.