amusing that a comment designed to mock the irrationality and simple-mindedness of "Americans", itself provides a strong example of overgeneralizing entire populations, society and culture into simple, easy-to-understand tropes suitable for simpletons.
Yes, I realised I was over generalising as soon as I made that comment - I was mostly (over)reacting to the parent comment that did imply that it was a part of American culture.
This is an unreasonable comment even for an American. But in other countries it's especially not a concern. You might have to report it to a different government agency (like an archaeologist or animal control) but you are supposed to report it to someone.
The other reddit category of things you should report to the police (or someone else) is of course people who find old grenades in their house.
The fun thing about comments like that is that as a non American, I'm often not entirely sure which side of their bafflingly bullshit culture wars the comments are coming from.
There is nothing intrinsically american about this statement. If you think it is black and white, then fine, argue that point. By adding the phrase "In typical american fashion" you transform your post from a potentially valid point into a pointless petulant insult.
Do you actually think that this comment adds to the conversation at hand or are you just using this as an opportunity to wedge in the 'but America does it too!' trope?