Notice how you are downvoted without a single counter argument, in fact all the anti-crypto diatribes in this thread have 0 substance and are just toxic 1-liners which bring no benefit or substance to the discussion. They hijacked an AI-Products thread and derailed it from discussing AI-Products to purely anti-crypto flame-bait.
If you think it's a pump and dump, then just don't participate. Stop forcing people to do what you want, stop banning things you don't like. Leave me alone.
I need you to understand something. This comment is so utterly unhinged that it's either parody or something you take way, way too seriously. This is a caricature of the prototypical bitcoin bro that everyone makes fun of. Nonsense like this is the exact reason that people mock and dismiss cryptobros.
You seem to not understand that someone can disagree with you without it being some grand conspiracy or authoritarian cabal. It is infinitely more likely that people disagree because they think you're a moron. People think you're a moron because you act like one. Spouting off about conspiracies and cabals and you've somehow pulled Obama into it?
You aren't being dismissed because the big bad communists want to steal your bitcoins. You're being dismissed because you're pasting nine whole paragraphs of absolute insane ramblings.
The most important part of this post doesn't even have anything to do with cryptocurrency:
> If the broad masses of people disagree with the platform landlord, their opinion will be altered to conform with the rules, or else they will no longer have a voice.