Oh, that is surprising, I mean, I hate the masks, too, but my immune system is quite good, so I wear it only for the sake of other people. May I ask, why you object to masks for yourself?
The UK deputy chief medical officer stated the opposite, that wearing a mask is likely to cause you to touch your face more, in order to adjust the mask etc. That was the first whiff of mask-related bullshit I caught.
Most objections to masks are simply made up to justify not having to wear one. That claim is also not backed up by anything but a gut feeling, mind you :-)
Absolutely cannot agree enough with this sentiment and I do the same out of what seems like basic cautionary instinct, though the sheer quantity of people (perhaps a loudly vocal minority) who seem to consider the particularly minor inconvenience of wearing a mask to be too high of a "cost" continues to surprise me.
Unfortunately most of the arguments against wearing masks are petty and bullshit given that the inconvenience of wearing one is insignificant for most people.
Sure, if you have genuine health concerns wearing one then don’t. But most of the people that moaned about it were really just moaning about being told what to do.
I know several people who continue to wear masks for completely non-health related reasons. Perhaps he is trying to avoid interacting with you specifically.