And I agree with that. What I don't agree with is why this is happening. And even if we look past this particular instance, should we not also be dissolving The Villages and whatever other special districts exist? Why just this one that opposes the Governor?
It's the county government he's mad at here, but yes, that's also bad. Alameda County should let him run the factory unless they have some reason to believe they're in more danger than the rest of the state.
If you click through to the article, you will find that the governor is against the proposal.
Take from that what you will, and not denying the existence of corruption in this one-party state government political machine, but the editorialized title in this hacker news post is really misleading.
It's kind of weird. After all, it's not like the governor is directly responsible for the flaw. Even if his opposition could have indirectly linked his administration to the flaw, his response has certainly done far more damage to his reputation than that ever could.
Thanks for the clarification jeffbee. My sarcasm was unwarranted. I just dislike our governor, even though he does, sometimes, make the call that is more aligned with my values.
One thing to add to that is that: Yes, it may be political, but it may be a very localized political situation (like a coworker or a PM or just this person's boss). The media/news/articles/discussion appear to be portraying this event in such a way as to portray the local governor/state-government in a bad light and as somehow responsible. See all the talk about the governor in this thread, the orders about nursing homes, etc.
It looks like part of the attack on the free press, and on dissent generally, by the governor's political grouping. Freedom won't survive unless the public makes it a higher priority than political power. People who support that political grouping need to make it clear to their representatives that liberty comes first.
It's not necessarily a problem with the governor, but there's definitely a problem somewhere in the system.
In a functioning government (especially one dominated by a single party like NY is), the legislature and governor collaborate closely as the bills are being developed. The legislature knows in advance what the governor will veto and is typically acting in good faith and won't waste everyone's time by send huge numbers of bills that are doomed.
What's happening here indicates a serious breakdown in communication and trust between branches of government, branches which, again, are ostensibly run by the same party. That's not normal.
This is the governor, not a district member. They are elected, by the entire state, to represent the entire state in federal context. Whether you voted for them or not, they still represent you and one of their jobs is to sign bills passed by the house. If they don't do that, they should get fired.
Do you think the governor should have said "He's leaving because the great citizens of this state who elected me are threatening to kill this man and his family?"