Windows has 89% desktop market share. I guess if you can ignore facts like that then you can make all kinds of audacious claims.
With any luck, the Post PC era will see a lot more diversity (eg Android netbooks/PCs, docked tablets, etc), but I think it'll be a long time before Windows isn't used on the majority of desktop computers.
Windows is particularly prevalent in developing countries actually, outside of tech circles which gravitate more towards MacOS (if it can be afforded) or Linux.
Get out of your bubble. Windows is ubiquitous. It has 90% of the desktop market share. There is no generalization you can come up with about that many people.
All of the gamers use windows. All of the office workers use windows. All of the medical equipment that need a PC, run on windows. In manufacturing all the pcs run windows.
So 72% is probably an underestimation.
The only market share that Microsoft lost in the last decade was in the school market (by Chromebooks) and the POS (by tablets)
Do you have stats to back up the premise that more developers (or those that would use features like this) are on non-Windows platforms? Windows still has roughly 90% of the total desktop + laptop market. I find it hard to believe it doesn't still have a majority of such developers.
Really? Even in the server space, Windows still occupies a third of the market, and desktop statistics are somewhere more along the lines of 70%. For every "cool" startup developer, I can promise you there is an entire army of "not cool" developers doing things in Windows (or whatever).