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"Easy, no one gets promoted for fixing anything, but creating the next broken thing? That's vision." -- svachalek


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I liked this quote - "I think the essential way to do anything great, you have to have some incremental development philosophy because you're just going to be wrong with your grand design that you don't iterate on."

"Too many creative people don't want to learn how to be technical, so what happens? they become dependent on technical people. Become technical, you can learn that. If you're creative and technical, you're unstoppable."

Really great quote.

It's funny how that quote encourages perfectionism and, if applied to development, would discourage anyone from creating a minimally viable product (MVP).

> ...an idea meant to be evolved and applied thoughtfully instead becomes ossified instantly and applied mindlessly, with many mistakes, and zealously.

That's such a good quote, I just may copy + paste it mindlessly into my next presentation and assert it with zeal. (With credit of course)

>>Better get to work developing new projects and products to stem that loss.


The road to progress in any system involves being known as someone who initiates new order of things. And always remember this. Its the new projects, and initiatives that get most of the resources because people want to see them win.

> So, ideas are worthless without execution.

This is such an excellent quote and motivational.

“ There's a faint xor between talent and hard work.”

I love this techie yet insightful quote.

>If you don't have the authority to change something, don't try. You will fail, and it will do nothing but cost you.

My theory has been that you look for things people already want to do but can't, and try to enable them with the resources at hand. You can change things that you don't have formal authority for (possibly not for the better) by simply removing roadblocks.

>It's sad to think that quality is not always enough to get noticed.

It's not sad to think that, it's essential. "If you build it, they will come" is the fastest path to failure, an average product with great marketing will beat a great product with no marketing any day.

I love this quote:

> I discovered (or remembered) that I was more interested in doing things RIGHT than doing them NOW, which is bad news in the software industry; this wasn't the place for me.

Or "If you don't build a great product, nothing else you do matters".

Amazing quote:

"The barriers are self-imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don’t need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers."

So inspirational.

“ An imperfect project that ships is better than a perfect one that doesn't”

Very very well said.

From "Creativity, Inc." (fantastic book), this quote: "Give a good idea to a mediocre team, and they will screw it up. But give a mediocre idea to a great team, and they will either fix it or come up with something better."

I like that quote a lot. It demonstrates the creative challenge behind making anything from scratch.

Quote: “If your engineers aren’t challenged with a business problem, then they’ll challenge themselves with technology problems.” - Vaughn Vernon

Now I think of the quote every time somebody suggests we “roll our own”

> visionaries don't listen to "experts" and set out doing things.

I am stealing that quote. It is my new favorite sarcastic quote.

> You have to realize a team that's been there before you has done things in certain ways for certain reasons

This is a fundamental insight that a lot of people don’t seem to get. I always refer to this quote to drive home the same point: “There is no such thing as a dysfunctional system, because every system is perfectly aligned to achieve the results it currently gets.”

> They do change, but not stupidly and they do so with a great deal of respect for what is currently working, which is something many, many, many people in the world utterly fail at it.

An excellent design motto. Respect what works!


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