2. if piping files to other programs, using `-print0` or equivalent (or even better, if using something like find, its built in execution options): https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind
I highly recommend this site. It’s very nitpicky, and that’s the only way to write somewhat robust shell scripts.
Shellcheck is amazingly impressive at catching issues with shell scripts. It makes it very hard to write a shell script that does the wrong thing.
Also, look at oilshell[1]; it is bash compatible out-of-the-box, but has several options to make it incompatible, but safer (e.g. no field splitting of parameter expansion by default, making quotes much less needed).
Going to use this opportunity to spam ShellCheck, because it has historically saved me dozens of hours catching many silent Bash scripting errors and just making my scripts more robust/warning me of obscure edge cases:
I wish there was a nicer shell scripting language that simply transpiled to Bash and would generate all this boilerplate code for me. There is https://batsh.org/ which has a nice syntax but it doesn't even support pipes or redirection, making it pretty worthless for shell scripting. I haven't found any other such scripting languages.
> The biggest Issue is that error handling is completely broken in POSIX shell scripting (including Bash). Even errexit doesn't work as any normal language would implement it (One could say it is broken by design).
It should be noted that `ls` is kinda of a (interactive convenience) special case by itself, if you really need to parse `ls` output, you're in a world of hurt on any conventional raw_byte_stream+pipes based shell [1]. Most (non-interactive) tasks done with ls should instead be done with other, safer shell builtins or more appropriate tools.
Shellcheck [1] has a lot of issues with this script. You might consider refactoring it a little bit to pass without errors. Some of the warnings could probably be ignored.
I find exceptionally difficult to write anything but trivial shell scripts without bugs. This one took years, and I suspect #bash could still find a bug: https://github.com/jakeogh/commandlock
If you _absolutely_ must use a shell script:
0. Use shellcheck, which will warn you about many of the below issues: https://www.shellcheck.net/
1. understand how quoting and word splitting work: https://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes
2. if piping files to other programs, using `-print0` or equivalent (or even better, if using something like find, its built in execution options): https://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind
3. Beware the pitfalls (especially something like parsing `ls`): https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls
(warning: the community around that wiki can be pretty toxic, just keep that in mind when foraying into it.)