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The report seems to be sourced from here, which has more detail: https://www.stepstone.de/ueber-stepstone/press/mobilitaetsre...

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Yes, I read German. But this is not a singular event that has never happened before. Here is a report from 2017 that sounds familiar:


(In Germany)

Tom Scott did a video [0] on Bielefeld a few years back which was how I found out about this.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvHcZciihJw

According to a recent post, they are in Germany.

Been digging on the official German statistics page but can't seem to find anything. Would someone know where else I can get that kind of information?


Source? Looks like it's in Erlangen, a German city.

Interesting. Do you have any idea about where should I start looking? I'm in Germany now, and this looks fairly interesting.

Here is an article about such a case from Munich (in German): https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/zu-nett-fuer-muenchen-der-ver...

More details in German reporting today: https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-03/nordstream-2-ukr...

> Das Kommando soll den Ermittlungen zufolge am 6. September 2022 von Rostock aus in See gestochen sein. Die Ausrüstung für die Geheimoperation sei vorher mit einem Lieferwagen in den Hafen transportiert worden, heißt es. Im weiteren Verlauf ist es den Ermittlern den Recherchen zufolge gelungen, das Boot am folgenden Tag erneut in Wieck (Darß) und später an der dänischen Insel Christiansø, nordöstlich von Bornholm, zu lokalisieren. Die Jacht sei dem Eigentümer im Anschluss in ungereinigtem Zustand zurückgegeben worden. Auf dem Tisch in der Kabine haben die Ermittler den Recherchen zufolge Spuren von Sprengstoff nachweisen können. Nach Informationen von ARD-Hauptstadtstudio, Kontraste, des SWR und der ZEIT soll ein westlicher Geheimdienst bereits im Herbst, also kurz nach der Zerstörung, einen Hinweis an europäische Partnerdienste übermittelt haben, wonach ein ukrainisches Kommando für die Zerstörung verantwortlich sei. Danach soll es weitere geheimdienstliche Hinweise gegeben haben, die darauf hindeuteten, dass eine proukrainische Gruppe verantwortlich sein könnte.

Hah! I immediately thought that this looks like it's in Germany and turns out that's what they used as training data :) Don't really know which aspect of it made me think that.

There's a bit of history to this. Not going speculate too much on this, but I bet it has to do with some events in Germany a few years back.

... in Germany.

Yes, and this is all in Germany.

I‘m not quite sure, which other incidents you are referring too, as the only recent one I can remember was on OHB a few days ago.

News article (only in German): https://www.n-tv.de/regionales/niedersachsen-und-bremen/Bran...

The same thing exist in various countries, including Germany.


You can even order some free print copies, as i did last year.

I just wrote to a bunch of addresses in the Frankfurt/DE area, asking for that kind of data. I hope i'll get more response than you did.

Unfortunately it's paywalled and in German, but according to an interview and investigation done by Süddeutsche Zeitung, they are indeed part of the Plymouth Brethen: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/abus-unternehmer-reli...

It is in germany

Yup, Breitbandkabel in Nebenkosten. Well over EUR 100 and that was some years ago.

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