Sorry about the registration/login problems you and a lot of our other users have been seeing. We've been running into a few issues with logging in and our video servers that we didn't find in testing before because of the load from all the HN traffic. We're working as quickly as possible to resolve those.
Thanks for the heads up. Our login in system has just crapped its pants for some reason (hasn't happened before) and we are fixing it currently. Thanks for the feedback.
Working on fixing user registration and login - we're having issues because of all of the traffic. Try us again soon and everything should be working. Thanks!
Investigating - We’re investigating reports that customers are having trouble logging in to their accounts. We’re working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Nov 11, 08:08 PST
The android app (and android web client) seem to have issues login in from time to time - I had a situation where you couldnt log in on two different phones
I was unable to log-in to HN yesterday, with the login page never fully rendering. I thought perhaps it was related to the EC2 outage (does Clickpass run on EC2?). Am I alone on this one?