It's still a vastly simpler language than pretty much any other widely used language out there. Consistency is superseded by pragmatism in the language design.
It's meh for a language, it's simple which is what they are trying to achieve but it all comes with trade offs like all programming languages. I would say a large portion of a language is how you mesh with the syntax and tooling around it.
At the risk of inviting a flame-war, it's distressing to me that a language this recent, with such a purported focus on simplicity, has design-problems this fundamental
It’s a boring language and I avoid it where I can help it. Its facilities for abstraction are too limited, everything is a loop, if err return, and so on. It’s just not a language I’d use by choice for anything.
Those three flaws are brought up repeatedly because they are a sad regression from the current state of the art in programming language construction. It could've been a much nicer language with very little effort, but its designers chose not to do so.
Lack of a formal specification and/or an international standard is the real bummer. That's the biggest disadvantage in comparison to languages like Ada and C.
It's because it was easy to use, and so people adopted it long before realizing just how many features they needed that it doesn't provide (for example, lack of types). "Simplicity" is a double-edged sword because you can't actually eliminate natural complexity; you can only move it around into (hopefully) more convenient / less chaotic forms.
The biggest barrier in my opinion is what most people think is "weird" syntax or the more precisely the absence of it. People are just not used to it. Add to the that the lack of popular libraries for some modern niceties and it really adds to it being unpopular.
To me it's the lack of some functional features for 1-liners that really trip me up. Verbose function declaration, no null-coalesce operator, no ternary operators, stuff like that.
I love the platform and ideals and goals - a simple, lightweight embedding language... but the language details rub me the wrong way.