They don’t have to be expensive! More than the $30 Big Box special but often cheaper than a comparable “gaming” keyboard. I’ve built boards for as little as $50 and you can do it for even cheaper if you have access to a 3D printer and don’t mind some tedious wiring and soldering.
I think on vWorker and some of the others, people just post projects with what they can afford -- a few hundred $$$ -- and see what sticks. There's always someone who will take them up on it, even if only to disappear forever when they realize how difficult it is.
I have received at least one personal invite to design just such a board in the last week (max bid $499), but I already deleted it.
Well i mean were close. With all the current Mass produced boards made by like JS (for example). They are glassed in china and should not cost even close to what they charge for them.
The only problem is profit margins from the companies that actually are able mass produce boards.