And 30 servers handling the frontend! Even if they peak at 10,000/sec, that's only a few hundred a server/sec. And another 370 servers to do other stuff.
he has a lot of regulars. Gets something like 2,000-3,000 people on at the same time every night + it's an old site, so there are a ton of threads, I think something like 2 million at this point.
Infrastructure wise, I know that he has 4 web servers, 2 DB servers, and 1 image server...I'm not certain on specs, but I believe all of them are dual xeons.
But yeah it's pretty crazy, since it's a hobby, I'm sure he is getting things that he doesn't really need.
Does a single server support this level of traffic? That is pretty impressive - it would be great to learn about the server's hardware and software configuration.
Makes me blush a bit that we have 1000 - 1100 customer websites (which don't get many hits) spread across 6 CloudLinux servers and the performance is terrible... (not that I have anything to do with those servers!)
"The company has experienced exceptional growth and currently hosts 5000+ dedicated servers and co-located machines, 5000+ Virtual Private Servers (VPS), and millions of websites."
If it's one guy running it from his apartment, that's gotta be one amazing apartment.