I wonder if the investors are just like crypto-bros and pyramid-schemers. Knowing it's bullshit, but hoping the next dumbass will come tomorrow, next week, etc, to buy it off them where they can make a profit...
Considering the price of e.g. BTC, maybe thinking "People with money can't be this dumb!" is the dumbass move...
Agreed. The investors are idiots for investing in someone who is so clueless that they rely on random people from HN to make decisions for them.
I hope everyone involved loses all their money and has a miserable time. They're ruining capitalism for everyone else by saturating the market with their useless junk.
They want to convince investors not to withdraw their money based on pseudo-logics.
They want to gather money by leveraging on emotions and feelings.
They can do both only with dumb people.
This is not my impression. It seems to me that the dumb money is people who made early fortunes in crypto or regular people looking to ride the next pump and dump. If Wall Street money is coming in it's mostly to take advantage of the dumb money for a quick profit, for example by getting preferential pricing or timing so they can sell to later investors).
The investors are not stupid. (Except SoftBank maybe.) Most of them will make money once they figure out how to pay Goldman enough to dump this trash into America’s 401ks.
Investors is too generous of a word. These people are speculators, nothing more. They're trying to cash in on an asset bubble in the making. Same story with crypto. A few of them will time the market perfectly and come away rich. The rest will be caught holding the bag.
Do these guys realize the stupidity of their own comments and still do it to con the public/investors OR do they really genuinely believe in this bullshittery ?
Good one. They also call themselves Autists and Retards.
I read a suggestion that it’s not the price of the stock that scared the hedge fund. But the borrowing costs, where the interest rates might have gone as high as 80%!
That’s quite an expensive credit card there to be shorting stocks with.