New York is kind of fucked as a state. The City has enough voters to completely nullify the rest of the state, so that what is sane to the rural, upstate New Yorkers, is droned out by the paranoia of the city people.
NYC, to put it bluntly is a country of its own. It requires a completely different calibre of management in the City Hall. Definitely not what they have right now
NYC bureaucracy is on a whole different level from KS, TN, etc. NYS in general has ludicrous amounts of regulation compared to most states, and NYC is the creme de la creme.
NY has some odd laws. On the one hand they are progressive (energy, human health), on the other hand they allow some very neo-liberal things to happen like where debt collectors can continue suing you, if your bank has one branch in NY, and now this nonsense.
NYC can make rules for NYC.