In the german language there are the two words Neid and Missgunst.
Both could be translated as enviousness but have a slightly different meanings. While Missgunst is definitely negative and maybe even destructive, Neid does not need to be negative and can have the meaning like in the example you gave.
I can't tell if you understand or not, but your "first definition" is a grammatically correct pejorative. The second is a reference to a political philosophy.
What's happening in this comment thread is that people are "confusing" a mastodon instance dedicated to the political philosophy with a group dedicated to being in a state of disorder. It's neither productive to the discussion nor witty.
> a constant, sarcastic, tired energy ... difficulty being genuine about anything. They knew so much and yet they were so stuck in their life somehow. And that sucked the life out of them.
synonymous to HN (comments section) vibe of 2020s.
Their culture and values have been much maligned, but you mean malignant. Please don't take this personally, it's just that it seems like this misuse of the word is going viral.