I worked from 2002 to 2005 in a company in Colombia that did the same. We had only about 20 customers, and we also did mistery shopping for car salesmen.
Not looking for a job, just found the post interesting.
This is before I worked in software. They needed people to staff the shop (as in, literal shop) in the evening. Also see my other reply for some more context.
I used to work at a car part store and the majority of the staff was teenagers looking to get into the car world (either future mechanics, or car parts managers) but they WAY under paid us for the type of work. Repair shops looking for specialty parts that someone with mechanics experience should really be looking for, not some teenager asking "whats a brake rotor?". We had a revolving door of workers and our customers knew we were terrible and likely to get the wrong part. Getting screamed at by customers was daily because we had no idea what they were doing. However the exploitation was a trade off of, "I'll get a year experience and go to a dealership" or "I just need a filler job until I get a better job". It was ""exploitive"" but it was extremely helpful to me, it was the only job willing to let me be part time while in school that didn't involve hard physical labour. I did more exploitive jobs before, working 10+ hours hand shoveling snow in -40 for $10/hour. That company didn't last very long because they drained the whole city of potential employees and never knew who was gonna show the next day.
This sounds like one of those future management case studies everybody will learn about in business classes in a few years. "Why did Dell fail? Well, they sacked all their sales people and nobody could buy their product!"
I remember studying one of those. Can't remember the company off the top of my head, some retail electronics outfit. They sacked all their senior sales people on the floor to save money and ended up going out of business because people could find anybody to help them adequately when they were in the store with money.
It wasn't the worst job I ever had, but the place was really poorly run, and they took advantage of me.
I was just a high school kid stocking shelves, but knew as much or more about the computers as the fulltime commissioned sales people. I was constantly getting paged to assist a salesperson.
I would do all the work, explaining the product and helping the customer make a decision, and then the salesperson, would say "Thanks, I'll take it from here."
Also, their theft control was atrocious. The cameras were not on, the guy checking receipts at the door barely looked, and people just walked about with expensive stuff all the time.
I worked at a company developing the warehouse management software. This was back in the mid '90s, but we didn't have a single customer that ran his warehouse like the one in the article. Picking is a crappy job, and everyone knows it, so pickers weren't expected to move too fast. If you showed up to work for a few weeks as a picker you'd get promoted to another position. Most of the people who got hired were ex-cons and drug addicts, so only about one in three lasted more than a day or two.
I don't know if the industry as a whole has changed, or if the place the author worked is far on the bad end of the spectrum.
Can confirm that this is how it was, at least for the ~6 months I worked there in the early 2000s. I'd recently been laid off and saw RS was hiring. Being somewhat technically inclined and having fond memories of the place in my youth I figured it was as good as any other low-end retail gig while I looked for something better. This was not the case.
I'm not going to get into any long RS stories but in terms of sales averages, it went roughly like this as far as I can recall: Actual hourly wage was around the state minimum but you could make commissions and "SPIFF" bonuses for selling things like cell phone contracts (since they got a cut of those). The cell phone thing was straightforward - sell a phone contract, get a flat amount added to your paycheck.
But the commission thing was awful and things were set up so that it was incredibly difficult to get commission. You had to sell not only a certain amount, but rather your average for each day of a pay period had to be at a certain level in order to even qualify for commission. If you were unable to hit those goals every day, you got no commission, even if one of those days you sold thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.
So they would make sure to give everyone at least one or two short shifts a week or shifts during crappy hours so that it was nearly impossible to make commission. Combine this with the sales meetings you had to attend out of town every (month? can't remember) it was almost like you were losing money by working there.
Thankfully I found some other crap job that at least paid better and in time, I moved on to better things but man...that place was awful.
I did some assignments for what I believe was ACNielsen when I was in college. I'd get paid about €10 an hour to stand outside an Aldi store asking every customer that came out for their receipt. (Aldi also doesn't share its sales figures.) I'd also have to note every customer that didn't give their receipt. This gave ACNielsen information on the sales for that particular store. They, of course, did this at multiple locations and sold the gathered data to interested parties.
Honestly, except for the commissions bit (I never had a commission job), that describes every retail job I had as a kid. I think margins are too thin to focus on cleaning, maintenance, and break rooms. I usually took my breaks anti-socially in my car.
In my specific industry we are replacing thousands of open positions nobody wants to do. Customers struggle to hire enough workers for us to ever be replacing humans. Walking around picking merchandise all day is a pretty inhuman career.
Was a part of that job being enjoyable coming from the fact that you weren't interacting with customers? Low pressure, hard to muck up, not dealing with disgruntled and abusive customers, etc.
My wife has talked about enjoying the merchandising aspect of her early jobs for a bakery and winery.
All true. I graduated with a EE degree during the dotcom bust, so I worked at RS for a few months.
We were told stories of a sales associate that managed to make about $80k a year. He managed this by getting customers a RS credit card and loading up the customers' shopping cart full of stuff. He did this by telling the customers that their monthly/weekly credit card payments would be $X, which might seem like a reasonable amount to the unwise. The funny thing is, that guy's store wasn't even profitable (well, from what I heard).
Anyways, by the time I worked there, RS had transitioned to being a cell phone retailer more than anything else. I think I've been in a store maybe twice in the last 11 years.
The retail work was not huge and important but it was definitely work - people came into the shop looking for a thing the shop might be able to provide, and many of them left with the thing they wanted.
You would not have anything to show for three years of that beyond a series of paystubs, but every day you would have seen the fruits of your work.
Laboring for years on something that ends up trashed and under corporate NDAs, with nothing to show beyond a series of paystubs, is different from that. Most of my friends who work for corporations have felt this at least once in their career, to be honest. It generally pays better than the retail job, at least.
Being an assistant in a winter coats shop during summer holidays. I was 13 and it was my first job.
I was bored all day because we never got any customers - this was in a seaside town and you can imagine that people do not tend to go buy winter coats during summer while they are going home from the day at the beach :)
It certainly describes the retail job I had as a high school kid at Advance Auto Parts. Minimum wage, minimum breaks, awkward hours, pushy sales requirements from corporate, auto repair education was a joke and it basically self-selected for the few weekend wrenchers willing to work for $7.25/hr.
Not looking for a job, just found the post interesting.