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> (Commenting from a throwaway account because they are going to lynch me otherwise.)

No, you're just using a throwaway account because you know it's going to eventually get banned, just like it has already mostly happened in the recent flurry of similar posts that you and your unsophisticated friends have made.






Plus also sneaking into our communities:

(requires joining the main Zig Discord server) https://discord.com/channels/605571803288698900/102362568632...

Unfortunately for you we play more than enough Secret Hitler to know when it's time to yeet somebody out of the server right away. Can't wait to meet your new alt, maybe next time you will be able to post more than one message before I ban you :^)

> They have a whole Discord server where they upvote and promote posts about Zig.

We have more than one Zig Discord server where people share links, most of which do get posted on HN. If you think that would be enough to game HN, you really have no idea about anything you're talking about.

> (The program won't even compile if you try to write 'hello world' with non-ASCII characters.)

Wrong. https://zig.godbolt.org/z/dane73Wsr

> Also the language is nowhere near a 1.0 release so companies are reluctant to use it in production environments.

Uber is using zig cc:


Bun is written in Zig and has VC funding:


TigerBeetle is written in Zig and has VC funding


Zig is not yet v1.0 and we do recommend caution to anybody that wants to invest in Zig, as they will have to deal with all the breakages that are expected in a healthy pre-1.0 language.

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> As a side note, I created an alternative Reddit API[1] and Reddit didn't like that so much they banned my 13 year old Reddit account.

"I broke Reddit's TOS deliberately and repeatedly and they banned me!" is another way to put it. But it doesn't sound as good and because of the current zeitgeist people will tend to side with you anyway. Perfect timing for you :)

>it was quickly over-run with genuine assholes which made using it distasteful and it eventually died

Nobody knows what actually happened because the dev/creator stopped using all their known accounts in 2020, and yet the website was still working until Oct 2022 (see also comments here in case you missed it https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/zicasn/...)

>> Hasn't Reddit been issuing shadow bans for the last decade?

vBulletin has been doing it for well over 15 years too.

> Allow me to point out that you have just posted this comment on the future reddit.

Hah, this place is not the future reddit. Not remotely close. This place has been around just as long as reddit and has never tried to be reddit. In fact, they work towards trying hard not to be reddit. This place is the old reddit. This is actually a lot like how reddit circa 2007 was. Reddit evolved, HN did not. Reddit and hackernews serve different purposes. HN isn't trying to grow larger like reddit was. Reddit became about community building while HN is trying to remain a tech oriented link aggregator.

> Early reddit was a really fun place.

Yup. I've had a reddit account since r/politics was relatively balanced! It was fun and awesome.

And now I am seriously thinking of deleting my account altogether. It is just not worth it any longer.

> If Anyone reading this thinking of joining reddit

Just don't

> there are hundreds of niche subreddits which are frankly quite awesome

They are condoning reddit by continuing to use it


There's another comment that points out that reddit screws up search engines results in order to get more front page hits.

Just how long will it need to be pointed out that platforms are evil, and anti-Web, and you should be shunned for using them ?

(I had some hope for reddit myself - that it would not fall to the same issues somehow, but that hope is long gone now...)

> but it has only continued to grow in terms of users

That's because I make a new account everytime I'm doxxed, banned, or censored.

Now that you mention it, I realize that the reddit blocking, censoring and quarantining system basically is a free way to drive up their 'new user' count.

What a joke of a website and a company. Cannot wait til it dies.

> Unfortunately, discussions of Reddit-like fediverse services Lemmy and Kbin on Reddit were colored by paranoia after the company banned users and subreddits related to these projects (reportedly due to “spam”). While these accounts and subreddits have been reinstated

All have definitely not been reinstated. They banned my 13 year old account without warning because I dared to make an alternative API for Reddit[1]. Even after agreeing to suspend the service they are still yet to unban my account.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are others in the same boat.

1 - https://api.reddiw.com

> If the comments and posts are artwork, or music, would that also be legitimate usage by reddit according to their Terms of Service?

I don't see why they wouldn't be.

In any case, I'll be spending this week scrambling my old comments & probably deleting my submissions. Reddit's sufficiently user hostile at this point that I can find other places to entertain myself online.

> the is no Reddit, only subreddits - each of which is moderated in a different way

I was banned for 2 days on the whole platform for following a link to Voat, another link back to Reddit and downvoting a guy who was copy/pasting the same comment all over the thread. (Reddit is surprisingly link-sharing adverse for a site based on link sharing)

Reddit exists through the abuses and policies of its administrators. It's not a generic forum platform and I don't think it ever was.

> The average user will try reddit alternatives, realize there is no one active on RedditCopy143.com and then wait for the subreddits to open up again.

As an average reddit user, i can confirm this. I am not going to try alternatives. I actually support reddit in charging money for api access from those who wish to train ai models. Cant blame reddit for wanting money in return for their bandwidth, infrastructure and salaries paid so people can cannibalise content.

What i hope is that open source developers will follow suit and abandon github or close their code all together, particularly since there’s no indication that open source licensing will be honoured.

If ai folks have the audacity to claim our work is free to use by their models then i am sorry but you will either have to pay for it or make it yourself.

> This subreddit was banned due to being used for spam.

This whole situation looks all too familiar now. First, it was Freenode, then Twitter, then now Reddit.

> It is already a lot more like Reddit than it used to be just a few years ago.

From the Guidelines:

> Please don't post comments saying that HN is turning into Reddit. It's a semi-noob illusion, as old as the hills.

Last few words are linked:




And three more, but I have other things to do.

> will probably end up going to Voat.co like everyone else talks about.

Good luck with that. The users exiting reddit are precisely the kind of users you don't want on your website. The young, trolls, immature and racist/bigots. They're essentially filling their community up with 4channers. That site is already filled with reddit's /r/conspiracy users. They run many of the most popular subreddits.

That place is doomed to fail. And as far as I know, they've already begun banning users and blacklisting domains. So much for "free speech".

>old.reddit users are like 2% of pageviews now, 5-10% of uniques (Source - traffic stats for a mid-sized sub), they could just phase it out.

Yes, let's just phase it out, and drive away people who actually contribute to that forum by adding the comments and posts that are reason d'etre of reddit.

Go figure, you didn't include posts, comments, and karma breakdown in that analysis.

> Hope Reddit comes out of this alright.

Not a mod, or even a power user, but I hope reddit dies. They seem hell-bent on making the experience of using their site as shitty as possible. The sooner communities move to alternatives that don't treat users like shit, the better.

> But I wish this could edit the posts to show something like "Post removed because Reddit proved themselves to be cunts in 2023, but you can find it on my blog at fuckspez.com/2789892"


> It's just reddit for people who hate reddit.

Isn't that hackernews

>I wonder how much of Reddit is just controlled accounts and bots talking to each other.





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