> Prime Video has a 300ms audio delay on my Android TV and chromecasting to said TV has an even worse delay
We use a fire stick, and it has the same issue for Prime Video. We have to pause the show for a couple seconds and then start it back up to get it back in sync. It's totally annoying.
> "This device will not support X service after Y date" has happened.
Again, that's a symptom of shitty manufacturer firmware, it's a burden on streaming services to support these devices because they are the ones that have to maintain software packages for hundreds of different TV models.
In contrast, Fire/GoogleTV OS are built on Android, so streaming networks don't need to support individual TV models, they just have to target supported versions of Fire/GoogleTV OS. Android has APIs to handle Smart TV functionality.
> The situation on Android might be different; at one point I certainly could cast from Netflix to Chromecast on my Kindle Fire (even though no Google Play Services existed) although from looking around on Google a bit that appears to no longer be the case.
Correct. Google removed that ability, and Amazon won’t support Chromecast until Google adds it back.
> Now, we wanted to Chromecast it, and Amazon (to the best of my knowledge) does not allow you to do that, presumably because they want you to buy their Fire TV instead.
It works on a phone or tablet if you cast the whole screen. Might work on a laptop the same way.
> I'm both a subscriber of HBO and of Prime, and I'll actually be using this. You see, I have a Roku...
I'm in a similar situation, but I use a Chromecast instead of a Roku. Why oh why Amazon doesn't implement Chromecast support baffles me so much. I would spend a good amount of money on their streaming content that way. Instead, my money goes into the Google Play store.
Returned the Fire stick and purchased a CCWGTV (Chromecast with Google TV) for this very reason.