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A bigger reason to avoid `dd` is unintuitive, "incorrect" behavior in some edge cases.

I don't remember the exact conditions that trigger it, but `dd` without `iflag=fullblock` can result in

    dd: warning: partial read (16384 bytes); suggest iflag=fullblock
I'm able to reliably trigger this with

    $ cat /dev/zero | openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -pbkdf2 -k foo | dd status=progress bs=1M count=100000 of=/dev/null
but not when I omit the `count=...` for some reason (maybe it isn't showing the warning in that case because it doesn't matter - apparently the effect this has is one of the "blocks" being smaller, and thus fewer bytes being copied, but it doesn't add padding or anything stupid like that, see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/121865/create-rando...).

I wish we had a cat-like tool for writing into files, for the "cat foo | do-something | sudo dd of=/dev/something" use case.

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According to the documentation of dd, "iflag=fullblock" is required only when dd is used with the "count=" option.

Otherwise, i.e. when dd has to read the entire input file because there is no "count=" option, "iflag=fullblock" does not have any documented effect.

From "info dd":

"If short reads occur, as could be the case when reading from a pipe for example, ‘iflag=fullblock’ ensures that ‘count=’ counts complete input blocks rather than input read operations."

Partial reads won't corrupt the data. Dd will issue other read() until 1MB of data is buffered. The iflag=fullblock is only useful when counting or skipping bytes or doing direct I/O. See line 1647: https://github.com/coreutils/coreutils/blob/master/src/dd.c#...

This use of dd may cause corruption! You need iflag=fullblock to ensure it doesn't truncate any blocks, and (at the risk of cargo-culting) conv=sync doesn't hurt as well. I prefer to just nc -l -p 1234 > /dev/nvme0nX.

Huh, pleasantly surprised to learn that dd correctly handles the truncated final block of a not-multiple-of-512-byte file; could have sworn that didn't work at some point.

Thank you for clarification.

I was about to bet on "read fail repeat skip" cycle for dd's behaviour but, looking into coreutil's source code at https://github.com/goj/coreutils/blob/master/src/dd.c , if I'm not mistaken , dd does not try to be intelligent and just uses a zeroed out buffer so It would return 0's for unreadable blocks.

Some years ago I picked up the habit from a predecessor of testing such things with dd instead, that way you can experiment with the effect of different block sizes, so like -

dd of=/dev/zero of=/ddtest.out myfile bs=64k count=65536

a note: I'd recommend using tee instead of dd for that job, or add iflag=fullblock if your dd supports it.

The thing is that dd issues a read() for each block, but is doesn't actually care how many bytes it gets back in response (unless you turn on fullblock mode).

This isn't really a problem when you're reading from a block device, because it's pretty uncommon to get back less data than you requested. But when you're reading from a pipe, it can/does happen sometimes. So you might ask for five 32-byte chunks, and get [32, 32, 30, 32, 32]-sized chunks instead. This has the effect of messing up the contents of file you're writing, with possibly destructive effects.

To avoid it, use `tee` or something else. Or use iflag=fullblock to ensure that you get every byte you request (up to EOF or count==N).

Interesting assertion. Can you show me a shell invocation without using dd that cuts off the first 16 bytes of a binary file, for example? This is a common reason I use dd.

Btw, there are iflags in Gnu dd to work in bytes as well. I have ddbytes aliased to dd iflag=count_bytes,skip_bytes oflag=seek_bytes .

> At least cp can figure out the block size itself.

Why does it matter? Use `bs=$((4 * 1024 * 1024))`. It'll work perfectly for any imaginable block size.

My issue with dd is that it's possible to write corrupted data with some weird flags which I did once. Something with conv=sync I believe which does unexpected things. But if you're not trying to be too smart, dd works fine.

These days, my main use of dd is to get a specific amount of data from a file, where both "bs" and "count" are useful (no, "bs" does not only set the buffer, it also sets the chunk size for reads and writes, this is SOMETIMEs useful and/or necessary with tapes).

So, this is an approximation of a command pipeline I run several times per year, when I happen to need a secret of an approximate length:

    dd if=/dev/urandom bs=6 count=1 | base64
Tune the "bs=6", depending on how long you want your (guaranteed typeable) secret to be. Every 3 bytes in the input will give you 4 characters in the output and keeping the input block size a multiple of 3 avoids having the output ending in "=".

It MAY be possible to replace this use of dd with other shell commands. But, since I needed to learn enough of dd to cope with tapes, I use that.

dd does all you want without a new version.

dd allows you to specify your seek, skip and count values as bytes instead of blocks using the iflag/oflag options seek_bytes, skip_bytes and count_bytes.

So to read the first MB of data 100GB into a file you can:

> dd if=/tmp/file1 bs=2M skip=100G count=1M iflag=count_bytes,skip_bytes

I am running Coreutils 8.3 on Linux mint 20.

It is also in Coreutils 8.22 in RHEL7.

Edit: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/dd.1.html

Edit 2 : I just found this in the coreutils 9.0 changelog:

  dd now counts bytes instead of blocks if a block count ends in "B".
  For example, 'dd count=100KiB' now copies 100 KiB of data, not
  102,400 blocks of data.  The flags count_bytes, skip_bytes and
  seek_bytes are therefore obsolescent and are no longer documented,
  though they still work.

why? the data is easily recoverable.

    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev
now that's more like it.

More data:

  ubuntu@c1-10-1-2-29:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test1 bs=1M count=512                                                               
  512+0 records in                                                                                                              
  512+0 records out                                                                                                             
  536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 5.43834 s, 98.7 MB/s

  ubuntu@c1-10-1-2-29:~$ dd if=test1 of=test2 bs=1M count=512                                                                   
  512+0 records in                                                                                                              
  512+0 records out                                                                                                             
  536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 5.869 s, 91.5 MB/s

  ubuntu@c1-10-1-2-29:~$ dd if=test2 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=512                                                               
  512+0 records in                                                                                                              
  512+0 records out                                                                                                             
  536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 0.60429 s, 888 MB/s

Per the sibling comments, you just need to specify a sane block size. dd's default is really low and if you experiment a bit with 2M or around that you'll get near-theoretical throughput.

NB: Remember the units! Without the units you specify it as bytes or something insanely small like that. I've made that mistake more than once!

You can set dd's "bs" parameter to 1, then seek, skip & count are all in terms of bytes.

DO @5$/mo:

    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=512 count=1500 oflag=dsync         
    1500+0 records in
    1500+0 records out
    768000 bytes (768 kB) copied, 1.64471 s, 467 kB/s

You know, you can dd to a file to avoid destroying a drive. And you can provide a `count` to write fixed-size output files, dd will write bs×count bytes (technically it writes ibs×count, and bs sets both ibs and obs).


    dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1k count=1m
would write 1GB in 1k blocks, and

    dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1m count=1k
would write 1GB in 1m blocks.

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