This comes out of the fact that C++ is being developed more as an engineering tool than as a programming toy. When you're into real engineering, you don't have free lunch.
What a false equivalence. I don’t understand the need to pretend like C++ isn’t a minefield of complexity (especially compared to C). I don’t hate the language and C++ programmers tend to be some of the smartest programmers I know/encounter, but can we please not be deliberately obtuse here?
I dont think I made any references to complexity in my tweet.
All I was trying to say is that the bad news with respect to C++ is priced in and the language only has to be marginally better than what its detractors make it out to be.
The problem with C++ isn't complexity but unnecessary complexity. As the author points out this is a cultural and not an 'inherent' problem (people who claim that a language like C++ must be complex are simply wrong).
C++ did not start out as complex language, though. Quite the contrary. Just take a look at early C++ books. The turning point happened in 1995 when Stroustrup switched the C++ paradigm from object-oriented to the functional inspired 'STL paradigm' (remember 'multi-paradigm'?). Afterwards a clique of 'Boosters' (nomen est omen) took over the language development and bloated C++ to the current mess.
In evolutionary terms: C++, a versatile mammal that developed into a dinosaur.
C++ is an overloaded language whose complexity seems to be growing with each revision. Heck, I remember Bjarne Stroustrup even semi-lamenting it in one of the interviews.
I don't understand why this is a C problem, whose syntax and definitions have been relatively stable for the last 3 decades. Author has gripes with C++ 'universality' IMHO but just piling it on C.
The problem with C++ that the article explores isn't that it's complex. It's that it's unnecessarily complex, and you could have a language with all that power (and then some, like say a proper macro facility) without so many warts. Indeed, Rust is a proof by example now.
Of course, those warts were necessary for C++ to be successful back when it was introduced and competing against others, and therefore to its popularity today. And this popularity is just as much a part of C++ appeal as its power. But we can call them out for what they are, without trying to justify them.
C++ is a bit of a honey trap for people who love complexity. Unfortunately it's only caught a small fraction of all of the people who worship at that altar.
The complexity that emerges out of C++ with most/all of its features is immense to the point where it's clearly not worth the investment when there are so many alternatives out there.
Nobody should be expected to deal with a language so complex that it takes a decade or more of effort before one can say with confidence he truly understands it.
Which is why C++ is dying and those other alternatives are finding so much appeal with new generations of programmers.