I'm not really sure I buy it. It seems to me more likely that he's just still incompetent and sort of addicted to the spotlight. He was one of the most popular and well-respected people in the world in a certain sub-community and he did that all while playing league of legends every day.
It might be some master plan, but it really also might just be him not wanting to accept that it's over.
I have a hard time imagining any remotely rational person wouldn't realize to just not say anything to anyone without a lawyer present.
Legal advice, most like. Or he could have done it on purpose, mentioned his plan to someone, and is scared as hell now. I mean, we don't know anything.
I assume with a good legal team that he can probably afford, they would not advise him to state what he did since he could incriminate himself further. The situation is probably not that serious for him to be stating that in public. Or hes crazy.
Obviously it's not useful or realistic to just label someone as "stupid" or "not stupid" (we're not 7 years old here). But I think he handled FTX poorly, and I think he is now handling the fallout poorly. When I say he is blabbing without a lawyer, I'm sure he's spoken to a lawyer, but it's unlikely a lawyer would advise him to speak so much to so many people and he is doing many interviews without a visible lawyer or having a lawyer intervene or represent him instead of speaking for himself. Again, maybe this is an incredibly smart legal strategy somehow, I just doubt that it is.
At one point in the saga, he fired his lawyers because they were telling him to shut the fuck up and he didn't want to. Whatever lawyers he has now are probably still telling him to shut the fuck up, and he's completely ignoring their advice right now. Great idea, by the way, when you're facing criminal charges.
You are assuming he is consulting with and listening to his lawyers before all his antics. It's obvious that their role is more damage control after the fact.
I'm not a legal expert, but my impression is that pretty much all of his actions since this blew up have mainly hurt his case, probably badly. He even lives with his two Stanford lawyer parents now, do they not tell him or does he not listen?
I though HN has reached conclusion he was going for incompetence defense, and all these public appearances were to bolster that premise? Going against lawyers (maybe, maybe not) would likewise be seen as “too booksmart to live”.
The thought of jail has to rattle him, I’m sure his parents (both lawyers) have his ear.
Having followed the case, him being absolutely demolished in court repeatedly is no shock given his brazen contempt for the court system and his refusal to abide by any sort of law or rules.
I’m most shocked at his own sheer self-destructiveness. What is he going to do now? Claim the courts conspired against him?
He seems to have a mental blockage with this situation. Some years later and he still needs to write about it and ask for advice. He is probably taking this as an excuse for others unrelated things happening in his life (this is very subjective, but I was in a somehow similar situation years ago)
A legal action is just a way to put a definitive end to all this. The outcome is not important; he will feel liberated, even if he loses.
Hasn't he filed multiple lawsuits against different entities who have called him out on this?
If he was just pushing a false narrative of high scores on video games, I'd probably shrug at the whole situation. But this guy seems to be willing to die on the hill he has made for himself.
He has been trying to produce excuses to justify this for weeks so he wouldn't have to pay the cancellation price that he agreed to. It should have been clear to everyone by now he had no attention of actually doing anything beyond getting attention.
His rational superiors should obviously start scapegoating him by now to divert attention and blame. Their strategy at this point should be to paint this guy as a deranged, power hungry nerd who took matters into his own hands. They should fire him immediately.
(I am not saying whether it is his fault or someone above him ordered it, but I am assuming his superiors are soulless bastards who can hire expensive attorneys. He might be just as bad, but he cannot hire lawyers and PR firms).
It might be some master plan, but it really also might just be him not wanting to accept that it's over.
I have a hard time imagining any remotely rational person wouldn't realize to just not say anything to anyone without a lawyer present.