From a legal perspective it definitely is in the US at least (unless it's pretty clear that you are calling for immanent action to be taken against the person you're doxing). Still a dick move, and probably illegal in a lot of other countries.
What? No! That's a legal requirement for legal accusations. Primarily criminal in the US. It has nothing to do with being allowed to doxx someone saying mean things about you on the internet. Not legally, and not ethically.
If your only argument is someone not breaking the law, then tell me this, is doxxing illegal? Based on my research, it is not necessarily illegal depending on context.
This is actually completely legal in the USA. It might be illegal if you are doing it with the stated intention of facilitating targeted harassment, but just posting personal information isn't a crime. If it were, the media would be in a lot of trouble.
It may be a component of another crime, such as slander or incitement to violence.
If the individual in question believes this organization has done either of those things, they are welcome to involve the law (as the other party is doing).
Are you shitting me? Revealing the identity of someone who has purposefully concealed their identity is the literal fucking definition of doxing. You have neither the right nor the ability to determine what harm may result.