I'm not sure how to resolve the absurdity level between the left's initial action and the right's reaction. They both seem equally absurd to me. But maybe that's where subjectivity comes in.
Well, the lefties just realized it was satire, so they memoryholed my original comment. As long as they thought I was being serious they upvoted like crazy.
I hope I still, before I'm banned, managed to demonstrate that it is nigh impossible to tell the difference between the most extreme satirical absurdly totalitarian opinion, and actual "progressive" thought these days. And now they have both chambers.
I always though it was interesting how the right is very good at sounding authoritative, but when they try humor it comes across poorly or obviously self serving. The left however is very good with humor and satire, but when they try and speak strongly it more often comes across unclear or whiny.
I think this is less about left and right, and more about extreme elements on both sides arguing for actions supported by rhetoric use of factual statements that are easily questioned and where studies are available that would put their view into doubt.
I think your comment is interesting because it demonstrates how inadequate the left wing - right wing view of the world is. A lot of "left wing" energy is spent trying to kill the gambling and nicotine industry.
For much of the article, the author portrays the “left-wing” as a bastion of sanity and moral good, a place where those who have been hijacked by the “right-wing” can be rehabilitated. Only at the very end does he pay passing lip-service to the possibility that there might be danger on both sides.
That is what I find so funny, left and right the right-wing can't even manage to get the most basic facts right. They surely are more disingenuous than any other party. Gaslight Obstruct and Project.
This seems to be a case of the left being attacked by the further left. I am pretty damned far left, and this article resonates with me, so I wouldn't call it 'right wing outrage.'