Has anyone actually made a link between a plane being tracked, and his car somehow being tracked too? Probably not because they are unrelated, but it sure sounds scary in a short angry tweet
The link is weak but because you can track the plane you can wait at the private airport terminal and wait for the guy to walk out the door. There's very few people that go in and out of those terminals so it's easy to just wait for the person in question. Once they're out you can then follow and tail their car.
That's pretty much what happened[0] (given the PIA situation with changing plane numbers mentioned elsewhere in the thread), with the only difference that the person camping out and watching out for the plane didn't do the stalking of the car ride afterwards themselves. They just reported the data on the flight landing, it got publicly updated on the tracker, and then another person (who actually approached the car later, according to Elon's claim) stalked them using the info posted on the tracker.
[0]. Assuming the allegations about it happening are true.
Clearly nothing is stopping someone from doing that anyway, but also nobody ever knows if Elon is actually on any of the three planes tracked (unless he posts about where he's going or where he is). They're not even his personal planes, they're owned by his companies and used by other people. If he's that worried about a stalker he should just charter a jet instead of flying on jets associated with him or his companies, then nobody would know.
Do you have any evidence at all that there exists any sort of connection between the flight tracking and the incident with the car?
To my knowledge most cars don’t have tail numbers, and don’t register their flight plan with the FAA, so I don’t really understand the connection you’re drawing.
What does this have to do with tracking his plane using public data? This is not about tracking his, or Grimes' or any other ex's car; not even about stalking them.
You can track my plane when I can track your car. Both are capable of nefarious deeds -- as is a bicycle, backpack, or hoodie.
The only thing special about private aircraft is people picturing some high-dollar gulfstream, and aiming a bit of jealousy at the people who own and operate them. Some of us fly planes that cost less than your Tesla and would prefer not to be painted with that broad of a brush.
Nearly every country will shoot a plane that’s not identifying itself out of the sky. Especially after 9/11. It’s actually policy in a lot of countries now.
Generally would happen after a visual confirmation though.
Anyway, cars don’t carry the same type of power that planes do. Cars are being tracked in most countries anyway, just that the data isn’t public.
Finally there is nothing stopping you from making a “install this software on your webcams to monitor car locations” is there? If you’re so non hypocritical, go make that software and convince folks to run it, because that’s how airplane tracking happens.
Unless you’re arguing that planes shouldn’t carry radios with them and that countries should be fine with unidentified planes in their air space?
Tracking the jet owned by the person, which as others have pointed out, often is rented out for others to use (or they let friends, coworkers, etc take trips)
Not "public stalking", you can't stalk a plane. It's just information about what his plane is doing, which is public information just like every other plane. If you wanted to stalk Elon Musk the person, you would just follow his social media accounts, he's on them constantly.
That's not a great analogy. Nobody "placed" any sort of tracking on his jet. The plane publicly broadcasts its location information out in the open. Somebody just looked at the information and tweeted it.
His response seems perfectly reasonable to me: no real-time stalking. If your main critique of him is his (hypocritical) carbon usage, post a weekly or monthly summary of his emissions. Or, as he is allowing, post the flight details with a reasonable delay.
To conflate real-time stalking with free speech is pretty absurd. He’s not even speaking in hypotheticals —- a nutcase intercepted his car.