The stolen user hasn't reported until now, it seems. From one of the comments:
"It was definitely all our bitcoins that mtgox had in one account! I remember a few days before, people saying that some big bitcoin movements on bitcoin monitor were from mtgox, and the quantity being moved was around 400 000 to 500 000 bitcoins. No single user lost that quantity, it was our coins, from all of us!"
That is the implication. He got sent very large sums of Bitcoin, you would expect that he'd just get a bunch of small ones, but he got 2-3 large ones ($5,000 a piece).
If they have actually lost three quarters of a million bitcoins, in an unrecoverable way (and nobody stole them), that's a HUGE proportion of all the bitcoins there will ever be that have just disappeared into the ether.
>The coins didn't disappear, they just changed hands.
To the crime victim, they just disappeared. Owning bitcoin is a very risky proposition for those who aren't extremely savvy in protecting themselves from thieves.
Seems likely, any references that support your theory? Many people on /r/bitcoin and such places seemed to think that he outright stole it, but could be pure speculation (I didn't follow the story, don't take my word for it).
Exactly, someone sold a huge amount of Bitcoins. I.e., this was the first time it was hacked by someone stupid enough to call enough attention to his crime to have most of what he stole taken back from him. What do you want to bet someone smarter got in there first, and is maybe still in there? There are subtler ways to steal money than grabbing a huge amount all in one chunk and trying to cash out.
It seems unlikely that Karpeles randomly stumbled across 200,000 missing bitcoins. It seems at least plausible that he attempted to steal them and is now backpedaling since people aren't buying his malleability story.
This is the first ray of hope regarding customers recovering any of their missing bitcoin though.
Which implies that it is indeed most of his bitcoins.