Found these two [1][2] a while ago, but there certainly not cheap...Neff - to my understanding - offers a more or less modular stove, and they over induction and gas, but can't find the hybrid unit I saw a while ago.
Bosch for example has a modular system where you can mix and match technologies. They have a 6 kW gas burner available in it [1] which can be matched up with a nice induction top [2].
I've been looking at them, but almost all have unusable touch controls. (My background is human machine interaction - I've never seen an acceptable stove, but induction stoves are all really bad). Since I've have to replace all my cookware as well I'm not in any hurry.
Electric stoves are very common even where natural gas is available, and even more common where it isn't.
The only induction stoves I can find are very high end models. I'm thinking about it, but for the cost I can install gas (including plumbing) and save money.
Even on the high end there is often on model with induction so if you want some other option as well you are stuck.
What I really want is this induction stove like this but that also has a single gas burner. Induction is great, but there are some things you can't do with it, but it covers 90% really well.
I guess the alternative is to get a portable high-output single burner butane stove that I can pull out when I want to arroser a steak, for example.
> They're still more expensive than a non-induction electric cooktop
I don't know where to buy cooktops in the US so I can't do a comparison, but on one of the biggest websites in the UK the cheapest induction hob is £105 right now, and the cheapest ceramic hob is £80.
> They depend on the type of cookware used.
You can buy a pad from amazon for less than $10 that will let you use any cookware on an induction hob. Most cookware _is_ suitable (I bought a new pan before the holidays and even the cheapest non stick pans had a stainless steel layer on the bottom)
I have a Breville Control Freak (which is a plug-in induction stovetop) and it's amazing. Far better than gas on its own merits, and without the problems of combusting methane indoors. Moreover, Impulse now sells a full-on range: with an integrated battery, so that it can be plugged into any standard 120v outlet. To my mind, and in my experience, the alternatives to gas today are amazing and should be better appreciated.
Holy cow! After some more searching I found only the Panasonic KY-MK3500 single-burner commercial cooktop supporting all metals, it's over two grand.
That's a long way from the $40 induction hob I got for the camper.
Interestingly, this is more or less the opposite to Europe these days. While integrated stove/ovens are somewhat rare now, they tend to exist almost exclusively on the high end; a bog-standard cheapest-possible installation will be a separate halogen or induction (or gas) stovetop and a single oven.
1) It seems like you have to spend a lot to approach even a cheap gas stove, as far as cooking quality; and
2) Even on (say) Reddit threads full of people posting about how great they are, the same people comment a lot about how careful they have to be with the cooktop or how many times they've cracked and ruined(!!!) theirs and had to replace it.
A comparable gas burner would be $15-20 but nobody would let you use it indoors, so there’s no market for it.
Look on Home Depot or Lowes website. Full cooktop w oven is a totally separate market than gluing four hot plates together. Induction has been a high-end thing for a long time, so there aren’t bargain basement induction ranges. Stuff for sale in the US is competing with mid to high end gas.
Induction hobs cut out a loss leader for gas: gas stoves. Once you have gas in your home it makes sense to install the main moneymaker: a gas furnace for heating. It's how they upsell.
Induction hobs are great in the fight against global warming.
[1] [2]