F is nice b/c it's pretty much on a 0-100 scale. 0 is really cold, 100 is really hot. Anything below 0 or about 100 is pretty much death without proper care.
> with rear exhaust temperatures around 3 to 5 degrees higher
Is that C or F? I'm going to assume Fahrenheit. Also, is that bad? In other words, did they measure the rest of the unit to see if it was hotter or cooler? Maybe they've directed more heat to the exhaust. Which is the whole point, after all.
For setting the a thermostat, it's not that hard to simply switch your brain over and know what's comfortable inherently in either F or C without doing a conversion back and forth. For accurate conversion, if c=(f-32)/1.8 or the converse is really that troublesome, Google can help you out.
I'm confused, are all your temperatures in Celsius except the 120F (~50°C). I assumed the -5 was -5°C but the use of F later suggests it could be -20°C.
Gets you to within a couple of degrees for commonly experienced temperatures, plenty close enough for most purposes. 45C ~= 120F. The true value is 113F.