I'm a gadget lover, wouldn't want to give up my Android (and mourn the braindead WebOS and MeeGo kill-offs), but a feature phone Nokia beats a touchpad in every way if we're talking text messages.
You can type blindly (you might need some time to know that a certain combination always suggests something wrong first, the real word is N alternatives away). You have good tactile feedback. And - the prediction is far better than what I've got on WebOS and Android as well..
I second you. I long for a cell phone having the same keyboard as my old-glorios Nokia 9300 (also known as "brick"). Forget about blackberries, that was the best cellphone to type __ever__
This makes me sad. Of course, if the thing really did have a keyboard that wasn't up to Nokia standards I wouldn't want it anyhow; a nice keyboard, for me, is the primary reason to go with nokia hardware.
I can't wait until phone screens are as big as laptops and then some genius comes up with the idea to add a hardware keyboard. Then the circle will start again.
The Nokia E72 was my favourite phone form-factor. I really wanted to try Android but was so resistive to keyboardless-phones that I bought a HTC ChaCha, regretted it immediately, and finally relented. I still miss a keyboard.
If a good Android phone comes to market with a keyboard like the Blackberry or Nokia communicators, it will certainly get me to consider switching away from the iPhone.
Separate point, but I absolutely loathe on-screen keyboards. They reduce my phone typing speed to literally 5% of what it used to be on my old Nokia or Blackberry.
Case in point - this comment would have taken me no more than 20 seconds to type, compared with over a minute on this ridiculous iPhone keyboard that gets every third or fourth letter wrong, and just randomly decides to capitalise words in the middle of a sentence.
I’ve been gifted my last few phones, but the next one I buy, I will seriously consider one with a hardware keyboard.