Thank you (though I'd hoped for a link to that figure but I guess there's not a direct one, it's an implied result). It's higher than I would expect but of similar scale, perhaps my own perspective is a little biased by being non-US (though comparative), and mostly being used to a low-income environment and culture.
Looking at it myself now, it doesn't seem like the US is all that different from the other countries examined, e.g. US 12.7% Q1->Q4 vs. 12.9% for UK vs. 12.8% for France. For Q1->Q3 it's somewhat higher (18.7% vs. 19.9% for UK for example) but for Q1->Q2 the US is also higher than the others (e.g., 27.7% US vs. 25.1% UK).
I'd be curious to see the proportional gap between the top 10% and bottom 10% compared. My guess is a much larger gap in the US, but I wonder by how much.