Like many, I have switched to zsh a few months back and have enjoyed the experience thanks to Oh-My-Zsh. I will give it a go, but I don't know if I can really appreciate the difference.
How does it compare to zsh (more specialy the package o-my-zsh)? The only thing that catch my eyes was the shell command being completed automatically in grey in the background. That will be great to have this in zsh.
FWIW this is also the main selling point of Zsh. I should go through this document in detail (thank you for linking it!) but a quick search shows that Zsh is not mentioned even once, and I think a Zsh comparison would be really valuable for people like me.
Or is it like Neovim vs. Emacs at that point, where neither one is "better" and it's just a matter of taste and/or whichever one you happened to try first?
I'm actually not very taken with oh-my-zsh. It seems to add a layer of complexity while not really adding anything you couldn't just paste into your .zshrc. If it eliminated tinkering overhead that would be one thing, but in my experience it just gave me a new layer of software that needed tinkering.
I have had someone sing the praises of zsh, tried it, was like "that isn't so much better than bash" and went back. Then I heard about oh-my-zsh, tried zsh with oh-my-zsh, and stayed. I still think it's not a big deal, but it is an improvement.
Oh wow, that actually sounds much nicer! I wonder if it's worth switching to this or if I may as well stay with ohmyzsh for now and switch to zsh4humans in future installs.