I wonder how safe the their (wazero's) approach is from the security point of view. According to the article (and I know it myself too after studying the Go runtime), the Go runtime is quite finicky when it comes to execution of foreign code because it can easily interfer with the goroutine scheduler, GC, etc. (unless you use CGO which deals with it, but they don't use it). As the article explains, it's easy to introduce random crashes by, say, innocently using a "wrong" register. Also, the Go runtime can change considerably from version to version (say, when they introduced preempted scheduling based on signals, or when they moved away from segmented stacks etc.), and so today Wazero may work OK but with a new Go version it may unexpectedly crash or corrupt memory in some subtle ways. Considering that the whole point of WASM is sandboxing, reading this article didn't make me feel very confident about the project.
I suppose it's not strange to see WASM come up -- last weekend I was considering doing something even weirder: writing a WASM to Thumb2 AoT compiler so I could leverage Go's built-in WASM support.
I'm not just being diplomatic when I say that hopefully we can avoid the Rust vs. Go debate here. :P WASM is a bid to help future-proof the relevancy of the web in the face of mobile app stores, and seeing many languages embrace it is a good thing, no matter what those languages are. Heck, since WASM is sandboxed anyway it doesn't even matter if you choose C or C++ over Go or Rust, since memory unsafety shouldn't be exploitable from WASM anyway.
This is a good development and shows that there is appetite to move on to new, safer languages.
What would be even better, IMHO, would be to bring full software fault isolation (SFI) into the kernel and move to a model where many kernel services are implemented as Wasm modules.
It's good to see an example of Go running in the browser via WebAssembly. I've been trying to decide between Go and C++ for targeting WASM, but it's not clear whether Go is a good choice for this and whether WASM support is a priority for the language's developers.
I guess you're getting downvotes because you posted this without explanation, but wasm actually makes a lot of sense for safer kernel extensions, as it allows for sandboxing code running as ring 0.
Between it getting included in Kernel and the whole WASM thing it seems reasonably future safe