I know a lawyer who works exclusively in the tech space, who’s dealt with Musk companies a number of times. He said they use the slimiest tactics he’s ever seen, are constantly acting in bad faith. Would not surprise me one bit if this was an attempt to get people to quit so he could avoid paying severance.
>Many law firms that represent shareholders keep a stable of investors they can work with to bring cases, says Eric Talley, who teaches corporate law at Columbia Law School. They might be pension funds with a broad range of stock holdings but they are also often individuals like Tornetta.
So a law firm that represents a large Investor or Group used this guy to sue Musk....That's interesting...
You may find these antics of Elon Musk's lawyers even more interesting then, as posted a few days ago on HN, where they tried to claim (the judge wasn't having any of it) that since any video of Musk could have been deep faked that any video of him shouldn't be accepted by the court.
It could be a case where the lawyers were eager to bill hours while Elon Musk itself haven't spent his time on the topic. The experience says that for complex cases you cannot just throw some idea to lawyers but engage yourself in the process, which is very time consuming.