He's into a wide variety of nonsense, though he's certainly best-known for anti vax nonsense (he was into it since before it was cool; on the whole MMR conspiracy theory train and so on).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been anti-vaxx for many years. When COVID started he went full in on the "5G Bill Gates microchips!!!" stuff and the craziest of the craziest of COVID-related nonsense.
The guy's based his platform on Covid vaccine pseudo-science. He claims conspiracy bullshit by "big pharma" and that the vaccine isn't safe despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He's a nutter.
He’s making false claims about the vaccines’ safety and speaking at antivax events. He doesn’t need to believe what he’s saying - plenty of people find it profitable not to - but that’s irrelevant because his public statements have the same impact whether or not he believes them.
This is just a limited selection (not even covering all the false claims of Kennedy, through the anti-vax organization he runs, identified in the cited source articles), because there have been so many lies, about so many vaccines (including using lies about one vaccine to discourage use of a completely different vaccine.)
His organization misrepresented the findings of a Lancet study to claim that vaccine-derived COVID-19 immunity “becomes negative”. [0]
His organization has circulated false claims about tetanus vaccines being part of a conspiracy to render women infertile. [1]
His organization spread debunked claims about MMR vaccines and autism in the black community as part of an effort to discourage COVID-19 vaccine use in the black community. [2]
His organization misrepresented a government study to spread the false claims that the flu vaccine made COVID-19 infection more likely, as propaganda against the flu vaccine. [3]
Sounds very similar to Robert Kennedy Jr.'s intense political anti-vax campaign. He's widely criticized in the media for it (same as Arthur Conan Doyle) but believes he's doing the right thing and will be proved right in the end, just like Doyle.
>"It is time which will prove our cause," he wrote. "Time will also prove to those who have misrepresented us that they are playing with fire. They are not judging the Unseen. The Unseen is judging them."
> “One thing that keeps me buoyant about this, because otherwise, I’d be depressed,” he said. “I know I’m gonna win this one. I have the ability to push this over the finish line. I know I do. The truth will prevail.”
His stance on vaccines is absolutely wild. He thinks that a majority of modern diseases were directly caused by vaccine research including HIV, Lyme and going all the way back to the Spanish Flu.
I’m confused, are you bringing up that he’s vaccinated to discredit him as being hypocritical or otherwise dishonest?
If so that’s a very weird position. It can be entirely rational for someone to believe the vaccine is the best choice for them personally, while also being skeptical of the pharmaceutical industry, public health institutions, and the media.
[0]: https://apnews.com/article/robert-kennedy-jr-presidential-ca...