Noone wants to use vr with a 2D game controller (a la xbox)- that completely destroys the point. You want spatially tracked controllers that fit each hand and are meant for vr. Even if there are third party controllers that get around the tracking problems, developers won’t have a controller standard to work against
They support Xbox and PlayStation controllers, which are fine for 2d gaming in a floating window, but they don’t support VR controllers like the Quest or PSVR
It supports conventional Playstation/Xbox style game controllers, but it doesn't currently have any equivalent to the Quests motion controllers for spatial applications which need more motion fidelity or inputs than are practical with just hand and eye tracking. It'll be a struggle to port a lot of existing VR games over to it.
They did show off using a standard PlayStation controller but nothing like an Oculus Quest or Index Give VR controller. While a PlayStation would be fine for something like Tetris Effect, for titles that get more out VR it does seem like it could be a problem.
If you are going to claim that Apple’s VR system needs to use meta’s style if controller in order to be successful at gaming, I think that’s short sighted.
I don't have prior experience with controllers, and I don't know what is standard. But I can play my steam games with the Stadia controller and use it with (on Windows).
Applications with custom controllers such as racing games or flight simulations will work very well, however games that use keyboard+mouse or gamepad represent concepts ported over from pre-VR gaming and in many cases I believe they will be inferior.
Not having controllers is absolutely ridiculous with this. I know it's focused more on AR, but what, can you not plug it into steam and use it in an FPS? What would you do, make finger pointy gun gestures? Is it only Apple Store apps and they're going to not allow anything like that?
My friend wants to buy one and use his Xbox controller. Just stupid.
I have 3 VR systems. Vive, Q2, Q3.. I have Skyrim installs with 300-500 mods, Assetto Corso with my racing sim wheel/seat. How am I doing any of that with this? How do I swing a sword? My Q3 supports hand gestures. They're nice when using virtual desktop sort of things, but in a game? no way. No tactical feedback sucks.
> Console Controllers are not intuitive, whereas VR controls almost always are.
Almost all console controllers follow a similar control scheme for decades (minus the front buttons like "share" or the touchpads). I don't see them as unintuitive.
Oh no, I thought of that. As a matter of fact I'm currently developing a VR game that would work just fine without controllers.
Still, sometimes you need buttons. While mobile gaming is obviously huge there are certain types of games that just don't work all that well on it. In the gaming space Apple will be directly competing against other VR headsets designed for gaming. Mobile games don't really directly compete with consoles or PCs.