Unless there is another job offering with similar compensation/benefits/etc. I'm not sure most employees will be able to do anything. "Leaders" and bold-faced lies are a duo as old as time. Macroeconomic conditions have many chained to their shitty bosses.
I think many of the top employees already are. they have no worries finding alternative employers. it would be even better if it turns out that average to mediocre is all there is left.
The "bad" people will hold on as long as they can - partially because they won't have it as easy to find a new job, partially because they gamble on enough "high performers" leaving that they cannot be fired because otherwise everything would collapse.
They have an option to quit now. If the job is so awful, but people still do it the alternatives must worse. E.g. becoming homeless or an even worse job. I’m pretty sure we will see a spike in both.
But maybe you mean a hypothetical "you" of other people still working there. Obviously it's a mix, but I suspect on the whole most people are smart enough to see that these kinds of things are unlikely to accomplish much.
But they're also likely happy that upper management is finally acknowledging these dysfunctions.
Sorry, implied inflection on the internet. I expect productivity will be astoundingly low.
The entire company has been told they could lose their job anytime in the next 14 months. People with options will start looking to leave, those without alternatives will live in fear.
Hehe, or, they will will get replaced as soon as they learn enough to find a better paying position.
It’s really a triple choice: 1. Shirtfront the stupidity
2. Build the relationship
3. Avoid the whole thing and work with people who are on the same wavelength
They've probably already lost 95% of the 'hardcore' people. If you're good, and EM's threatening to fire everyone, then you get another job. The people who've stayed are presumably makeweights and time-servers.