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Personally I don't write portable shell scripts. They exist only for my own usage on my desktop. If we rely on any kind of script for deployment purposes at work, we use the scripting lang in the build system or a python script

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Portability is not important in most cases. Most shell scripts are written for and run on a single platform usually as setup or teardown for something else.

Assume the environment you're writing scripts for. Most scripts need only be run on one machine, and thus one platform. Most that don't still run only on one platform. If you need a portable shell script, by all means write one, but that's rarely the case.

While it is true that some shell scripts need to be portable, many don't. Many shell scripts are written just to run in one single machine. Or they run in a controlled environment. Maybe even a docker container that provide anyway a set of tools and dependencies.

Portability for shell scripts is over rated in 2022.

If your shell scripts are small, it's easy to write several versions of them.

It they are long, you should use something else than shell scripts for your program, like python.

Worse case scenario, provision the same interpretter everywhere, vendor it, or use a compiled language.

There are some edge cases where portability makes sense (e.g: you are scripting for an heterogeneous parc of routers), but they are niche usages most companies don't care about.

Because shell scripts usually have lots of dependencies on external tools, it's harder to make them portable. Those external utilities have different behavior on different platforms. I have much better luck with Python, Perl, etc, for scripts.

How many people need that portability? Most of the shell scripts are quick work that needs to run on small amount of environments.

If I would create something which needs that degree of portability I would never use a shell script.

It's just way too easy to run into a unexpected gotcha on some platform/configuration.

How do you write a portable shell script? The programs invoked by your shell script need to behave the same everywhere. Even fundamental things like cp, rm, etc. don’t universally behave the same across the various Unix and Unix-like systems.

The joke is that your shell is actually more portable than your shell script :)

> Shell scripts, when you're not dealing with autotools generated script, aren't really that big, or even that complicated.

They're not always portable. Some people develop on windows.

> Sure, it's possible to write shell scripts to do that. But why? Unless you're targeting a PDP11 or the Busybox-linked /bin/sh in your initramfs, is shell scripting really the best option?

It's still the best option when you want absolute portability and minimum dependency, like in an installation script. Another benefit of the shell is that for a random user of your script, they're more likely to know the shell language and be able to read the script, than if you used something like python, since they use it, at least basically, in their everyday use or administration of their system.

Typically shell scripts are fine in the beginning, but over time the complexity rises and it becomes an unmaintanable mess, and you'll end up reimplementing it in a proper programming language.

Shell scripts are not easily portable either, unless by "portable" you mean "works in Linux". Node.js scripts, for example, really (mostly) work on Linux and other platforms like Windows.

Until you hit some nasty "path is longer than 254 characters" bugs. Oh well..

The point I was trying to make is that there's many scripts which are easy to write as shell scripts, so developers will write them as shell scripts.

But they are time-consuming to write in mainstream languages, so developers often won't do it if that's their only choice.

Some of us actually have to USE shell scripts written by other people who like to brag about only looking at the doc a couple of times, who just copy and paste things they found in outdated pages on google into hodge-podges of frankenscripts, and who then run them as root at regular intervals on unattended servers.

It may be care free, fun, and effortless for you, but try being on the receiving end of that behavior some time.

RTFM! And if the manual sucks (like the Bash manual), then learn to use another language.

Instead of learning to write shell scripts better, people should learn NOT to write shell scripts, and learn a decent scripting language instead.

You will find that most decent scripting languages like Python are actually a hell of a lot easier to learn and program and maintain than shell scripts.

Why don't you just write shell scripts?

So what do you use for shell scripting?

To be fair, shell scripts are pretty horrible to write and maintain from a programmer's point of view. They're good in that they're portable, but they're not a good programming language. I don't object to writing them, but I'd rather there be an alternative.

Anyway, it sounds like you've worked in some really shitty companies / shitty people.

I'd argue that writing scripts for an embedded target for a regular server/workstation target are fundamentally different problems - almost anything I'd write for those platforms would be targeted for them - not for general purpose unix.

Portability is only desirable, if you need portability - otherwise it frequently adds complexity for little return benefit.

> dependency-free, compilation-free, and portable, then God help you because sh it is.

That's a fair point. Nothing beats shells for ubiquity and supportedness everywhere . . . in theory.

In practice, even people who write "portable shell scripts" (almost) never really write portable shell scripts.

If you learn the POSIX sh standard like the back of your hand, and stick only to the features in it, never using bashisms or equivalent, most shellscripts still rely on external programs (even if only grep/sed/etc) to do their heavy lifting.

And that's where you get into trouble. Because compared to the variability in behavior of even "standard" ultra-common programs, the variability in behaviors between shell syntaxes/POSIX-vs-non-POSIX shells is tiny. The instant your code invokes an external program, no matter how ubiquitous that program is, you have to worry about:

- People screwing with PATH and changing the program you get.

- People screwing with variables that affect the external program's behavior: LD_LIBRARY_PATH for dynamic executables, or language-specific globals for programs' runtime behavior (CLASSPATH, PERL5LIB, PYTHONPATH, etc.).

- External program "editions" (e.g. non-GNU sed vs GNU sed). Good luck using PCRE with a non-GNU "grep"! Oh, and if you're sticking to POSIX-only shell semantics (no bashisms), you don't even get full BREs in most places you need them in the shell; you're stuck with limited BRE or globbing, which makes editing 100-line PCRE regexes feel like a dream.

- External program per-version differences.

- External program configuration.

- Etc.

Dealing with those issues is where "self-test"/"commandline program feature probe" things like autotools really shine. Raw shellscripts, though, very seldom live up to the "ubiquity" promise.

So what about shell scripts?

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